Monday, September 12, 2011

Autumn in Los Angeles

doesn't really happen for a few months. Instead, we battle wildfires and the air-conditioner sometimes goes on for the first or second time. Autumn is really the only season that I really miss living out here, but I can watch this and listen:


  1. Elizabeth, I enjoyed that more than you can know. Thank you.

  2. i miss fall every year, too... this was nice. thank you.

  3. I came looking for you, Elizabeth. Thanks for this reminder of your fall, while we on the other side of the world enjoy the first flush of jasmine and the heady freesias that pop up their heads in people's lawns. Here these days the earth smells different, as i imagine it does for you.

    We call it autumn, your fall, but like spring it represents for me a season of change, even more so than summer and winter.

  4. Dear Elizabeth,

    Just dropping by in my randomness... and I need to say how much I appreciate your entire blog. Musing through, I found myself laughing out loud on Sept 5, first w/Oliver's trophys, including the "new" one (would that be the tall one?) and the fit of activity in blowing and washing up his palm tree. Oh lord, whatta kid! Of course I am again reminded of my youngest son. Priceless photo of him asleep under his palm. Quite the resourceful young man.

    I think I gained a few of my lost pounds looking at that chocolate. Yeeeeks.

    So my dear: I love your pages. I come here sometimes to merely be inspired, and it's always a much bigger experience!

    Thank you.

  5. In the Texas Hill Country we call it Fall instead of Autumn. Because one day the leaves turn brown and the next they fall off.

    I hate the wildfire menace. Our hills are covered in dead trees and grass. Any spark starts a contagion. I'm growing nostalgic for watching hurricanes from a barrier island. At least we had days to prepare for evacuation. And maybe there would be something left after it blew over.

  6. PS I like the blog's new green skin.

  7. Me and you both. The fall and the smell and the leaves and me the tomboy, the football. Miss the feel and look of it all but the thing is, that missing doesn't last long because I know what is to follow ... that REALLY long winter. 26 years of that was enough ... I am a California girl now for sure!
