Thursday, September 22, 2011

How We Do It - Part III in an ongoing series

Sophie, with beads, 1997

Sophie, with beads, 2011

We indulge Sophie with beads, something she's loved her entire life. We don't look on it as fostering "stimming" but rather as indulging her with something that she loves.

Because that's how we do it.


  1. Love your translation of eduspeak - "stimming" and "follow your bliss" are at times interchangeable, no?

  2. I get that you need to go here, but how sad that you even need to consider btw. fostering "stimming" and pure, enjoyment. Glad this is how you've chosen to do it.

  3. what ms. moon said. and sophie looks like a young greek goddess in those first photos. but she often looks like some beautiful mythological creature - must be those eyes, and that mass of dark curls against her translucent skin - her soul shines through...

  4. Indulge away. I love beads. What fun!

  5. Indulging someone with something they love, how can that be anything but good.

  6. very nice photos. I too love beads.

  7. That reminds me so much of my brother in law's "goodies". Greg's brother Paul has a bowl of plastic egg halves, beautiful colors that make a wonderful sound. When he was a baby the original goodies were the tab connecting blocks, then he loved loved bee bees but they had to stop giving them to him. He is now in his 50s and his bowl of egg halves brings him so much joy.

  8. LOVE it! i can't believe that someone else loves beads as much as MY daughter! sophie and my daughter could go to mardi gras and stock up! :)
