Thursday, September 15, 2011

I feel like a bear underwater

photo via National Geographic


  1. Well there is a certain strange beauty there.

  2. Hmm. Well. Bears can swim, anyway. That's good. But you will have to come up and take a breath.

  3. And when you do come up for a breath I am hoping for you ... meadows lush with berries and trees laden with honey.

    Or a warm cave at the very least.

  4. I'd throw you a lifeline but I am holding on to mine for dear life.

    But I will be sending all good things your way as you contemplate the resurfacing necessary to take that much needed breathe. Can't stay down forever, you know?

  5. i know the feeling. hang in there and come up for air now and then.

  6. Since you've been hanging out with neurologists I totally understand jumping into the water. It looks quiet and peaceful down there.

  7. As a swimmer I love being under water. It is so quiet and all I can hear and see is water. Noise stops. My eyes can only see a few inches. My aching body is weightless. I wish to be under forever and never come up for air. Floating.

  8. I took Maggie ot the zoo one day and they were feeding the bears by dumping fish into the "lake" in their habitat. The water came right up to the glass enclosure where we were standing with other spectators. One little kid said "Oooh, look at the fishes." I heard the guy feeding whisper to his coworker "Don't get too attached to that fish, kid". About 5 seconds later a bear came bounding across the habitat, jumped into the water and snagged that fish right up against the glass. Everyone instinctively backed up about three feet even though there was no danger. It was powerful and really amazing. (not sure how that kid took it, though)

    Hence, a bear under water is not a bad thing.

    Unless you're a fish.

  9. Awesome picture! I hope you like fish.
