Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pie and Where the Regular Folk are in LA

Tonight are the Emmy Awards, and when you live in this town you always know people who are either going or might even be nominated for one. I do have friends who are going, but the rest of us, the normal people, go to the Pie Contest at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. We wait on line in the blazing sunshine and walk slowly by the tables laden with every sort of pie you could imagine. One special category was the Tim Burton Pie, in keeping with the Tim Burton exhibit currently running at the museum. Here is my favorite one in that category:

James and the Giant Peach Peach Pie
As we strolled down that table of pies, Sophie kept reaching her arm out toward them, trying to grab one. I love that she was so engaged.


  1. I am watching the Emmys but this post, this place, makes me feel so much more at home.

  2. OMG..I want pie!! I'm with Sophie!

  3. What do expect from the daughter of chefs, especially a pastry chef?! I LOVE it, and love the photo. My mouth is watering. Much more interesting than a self-serving awards show.

  4. Wow -- I never would have imagined pie-making had reached such a pinnacle in LA!

    But who gets to eat them? xo

  5. I would choose pies over famous people too :)

  6. I'm with kimmie. Pies over stage lights and insincere speechs any day!

  7. Pie uber alles. No Grammy can compare.

  8. although I consider all culinary efforts worthy of museum attention, an exhibition of pies seems a little strange: no tasting?! Sophie had the correct reaction!
