Thursday, September 1, 2011

Yosemite - Part 3

About bears: We saw a black bear cub in the woods off the side of a road we were driving on, down to the Valley. The cub ran across the road, behind us, and while we waited to see whether a mama bear would appear, none did so we drove on. It was awe-inspiring, in any case.


  1. Someone took some mighty fine pictures of a mighty fine trip with some mighty fine looking kids.

  2. Amazing nature-- and we humans are part of it! Stunning!

  3. animals I want to see in my life: a black bear (from inside a car would be just fine), and a moose with big antlers.

  4. Oh, the boys are growing up. It's like watching time-lapse photography. I sat cross-legged on the floor last night cracking jokes and talking music with my 15 year old step-grandson and was absurdly pleased when he argued with his 18-year-old sister over who got to sit next to me at dinner. That close-up of Oliver is really something.
