Monday, October 24, 2011

M.F.K. Fisher

I read all of the great food writer M.F.K. Fisher's books years ago, but last night I picked them up in an attempt to find a great quote for a post I was writing on The Mistress' blog. What a pleasure it was to read her sophisticated yet charming prose -- if you've never read her, I highly recommend it.  Here's the bit that I quoted from on The Larchmont Larder blog.

On another note, you still have a chance to win the $100 Visa Card that I'm giving away on my review blog. For more information, go here.


  1. I was just looking at "Sister Age" thinking that I should go back and reread all of MFK.

  2. Hmmm... stout build, hair tied back in that practical way. I feel like I'm looking at a picture of myself in about 20 or 30 years.

    I never make it into LA, but I like the look of The Mistress a great deal.

  3. i love MFK.
    who else can you think of was such an amazing writer; had an incredibly romantic personal story; was all about the art of eating (and living)? and, btw, gorgeous (the Man Ray photo...).

  4. I can't read her writing, or any other skilled food writer for that matter, I just get too hungry.

  5. You made me hungry. Left a longer comment over at the Larder's blog. You're doing a GREAT job with it!

  6. Ah yes, time to get her book down from the shelf and read more than a chapter or two.

    Fitting also, the quote about broth, as I simmered "the skeletons of fowl" all night last night in the crockpot, awoke to a most glorious scent drifting upstairs from the kitchen.

    wv: broff.
