Sunday, November 6, 2011

So I woke up to rain, beautiful rain which meant the baseball games were cancelled and no sunny weather guilt (you should be out, outside, enjoying this weather), and it's still raining but I've cleaned out the linen closet, the tiny closet in the hallway that somehow accumulated thirteen years worth of ratty towels, fabric scraps, a moldy quilt, Christmas advent calendars and port-a-crib sheets. It was hard to get rid of the port-a-crib sheets, I must admit, and I buried my nose in them, trying to find that smell, those smells of babies, The Little Prince standing on his planet, his sober gaze under my nose. I filled a bag with all of it except The Little Prince and a mobile, shoved a few baby blankets back in a corner (would I use these one day for grandchildren, Ms. Moon?) 


  1. Yes, this grandmother says, save them.

    Joe, irregardless of the weather, is outside. There is not stopping that kid. Ever.

  2. All I can say is that I have used mine and so much sooner than I thought I would. Well, it seems sooner than possible, although of course, it is not.

  3. I have a bin full of baby clothes and blankets. It is so strange to look at my almost 6 foot tall son and wonder how he ever fit into something so small. My son secretly stashes his baby blanket in his dresser. :-)

  4. I love it when the mood strikes for cleaning and organizing.

  5. i know about sunny weather oppression. this is one of the gifts of blogging. you find out you are not alone.

  6. Yay for a day without guilt. Yay for taking care of something that can be accomplished in one day and that conjures up sweet memories.
