Thursday, November 10, 2011

To my mom

I have memories of getting off the kindergarten bus and walking inside my childhood home in New Jersey where my mother would meet me with graham crackers and cream cheese and jelly. We'd dance in our paneled den to the mellow crooning of Glen Campbell. Whenever I hear him, I think of those days and I think of my mother, her hip-hugger corduroys and big, wide belts and teased hair and how fun she was.

I love you, Mom.

(I know this is very, very corny, but I was moved to tears by it --)


  1. What a dear memory, Elizabeth.
    And who cares if something's corny--
    half the audience looks like they're holding back tears.

  2. That was a beautiful tribute, darling. And that violinist right behind Brad Paisley? One of my oldest and dearest friends-the man I moved to Tallahassee for thirty-four years ago.
    Swear to god.
    It's a small damn world.
    Glad you're in it.

  3. What an amazing tribute.

    This choked me up for a few reasons. I think it was your mom and that memory, and what it stirred in me, for reasons, I am certain you know.

    And then there was his wife.There was just something about the way she guided him up on stage.And stood by him. An unspoken love that I briefly glimpsed. That did me in.

  4. The era..those times when you could sing along to all the songs because you knew them but because you loved them too.

    I have a hard time seeing those legends age. What a tribute to do and I am very sorry I did not watch the CMA last night.

    Corny...heck no! Your mom sounded so wonderful.....

  5. The struggles we go through as mothers point us toward appreciating our own mom's, assuming that things went at least passably well. A very sweet tribute!

  6. We never outgrow our mom - or our need for her unconditional love.

  7. oh, Elizabeth.

    ( am on the train headed to Windsor to my Mother. I no longer yearn for memories such as yours, I have my own that will do in a different way, but I long for my babies to have this sense of love. it is everything )
