Monday, December 12, 2011

It doesn't look like it, but that's me

on the end. I'm good, right? A friend remarked that it's been a bit quiet around here on a moon, worn as if it had been a shell. Other than the carols I've posted daily and a few photos here and there, I haven't had much to say. But, as you can imagine, life goes on and it's a tad insane right now. From Friday to Monday, I made three cakes and four dozen cupcakes (each one decorated). I decorated the house and a Christmas tree; I spent time with my mother who was visiting from Atlanta; I finished up my slides for tomorrow's webinar on Epilepsy and Adolescence (have you registered? it's not too late!); I helped both sons with school projects and went to the grocery store about five times; I took Henry to his final baseball game on Sunday and sat through the pizza party afterward; I drove everyone to school because the carpool guy was sick; I went to acupuncture, thank God, and visited The Husband and The Mistress for lunch with my mother; I picked up one child and waited for the other to get off the bus and then picked up the third from his after-school post-season flag football party; I massaged olive oil into one son's head after reading online that the white patches and scabs were probably dermatitis seborrhea or something like that, and then I combed through the flakes and scabs and instructed him to go take a shower and wash it all out; I made Trader Joe's chicken chow mein for dinner (thank you Trader Joe's); lowered Sophie to the kitchen floor while she had a huge seizure and then picked her up and sat with her on the couch until she felt better. I baked some more cupcakes -- vanilla with vanilla frosting, white sparkly sprinkles and Hanukkah stars -- and cleaned up the kitchen, including mopping the floor. Oh, and I've still got a gruesome cold and sound as husky as a starlet -- tomorrow should be interesting. I think I did a fairly good job on nearly everything except eating properly, but if you peer at the photo above, you can see that I'm as fit as a fiddle, counting my blessings and acknowledging my hardships as the good Lord above would want me to. After all, you're never given what you can't handle, right? For those who don't know me and are perhaps visiting here for the first time, those last two cliches are my absolute least favorite and I'd go so far as to say that they're bullshit, and generally only uttered by people of immense privilege or addled brains.


  1. The day-to-day stuff of life can be all-consuming, can't it? Somehow I knew you weren't just resting on your laurels, though. :)

    Hope the webinar goes well!

  2. Hey, that looks like me, teetering on the edge lately. I am free falling forward though and you, you look like you are in stellar shape.

    Love when I mention the quiet to a friend and voila, a post. I have such obliging friends sometimes. Ask SD or Ken. Speaking of which, gotta nudge Mr. Lilley. Talk about quiet.

    Those two gem statements at the end,have been spoken to me more times that I can count.I tell people that I cried uncle, a long time ago.

  3. Wow, that's a lot. Sounds like you haven't bitten off more than you can chew and that your ducks are all in a row. I guess that's because you never seem to rest on your laurels. Hee.

    (I might count blessings here and there, but I definitely don't say "fit as a fiddle" -- I promise!)

    A big hug to you for being the awesome mama/blogger/activist/daughter/wife that you are!

  4. I had that cold too. It was wicked, although I did end up with a sexy voice.

    I remember friends saying they didn't know how I did it, taking care of Katie. It's not like I had a choice. She's my daughter.

    Hope you're feeling better. Don't forget to sit quietly for a few minutes with a cup of tea and a good book, just for you.

    Sending hugs.

  5. The GOOD Lord would send you a maid.

  6. Yes, you're good! I hope you had a nice visit with your mom, and that your cold gets better now (and that tomorrow you'll be the man in the middle, only half leaning out, and puffing a cigarette :))

  7. Love this post.. especially the ending. Now rest.

  8. Get that superwoman cape out!

    Can't wait to hear about the webinar. xo

  9. whew. exhausted. i wish i had the immense privilege of putting you to bed inside those twlnkly sheer curtains in your last post.

    and god never gives you more than you can handle? yes, it's a damn lie.

  10. "people of immense privilege or addled brains"

    Hahahahaha. Ahhhh.

  11. Hi Elizabeth, I'm one of the Tuesday tea drinkers over at Kimmies and just thought I'd leave a note this time, on my way to visit others. I love your blog and the way you write :) Should turn your posts into a book....
    What you say at the end is so very true.
    Love the Bohemian be below btw :)

  12. Good god. I am not going to be the one to tell you that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
    But I am sending you love.

    word verification: axbst. I'm reading that as code for ax bullshit.

  13. "You're never given more than you can handle" is probably meant well (as encouragement? "You can do it!"), but it can surely be felt as a club, beating people when they are already down. Somehow, I think the folks in Fukushima might feel that they were given a bit more than they could handle.

    Some days it's just one moment, one breath, at a time, isn't it? Praying that you and your family will be given exactly what you need, moment by moment.

  14. You forgot about taking Oliver to a two hour Cub Scout meeting. Just saying.

  15. Thank God for Trader Joe's and visits from mothers and the Internet.

    Sending love and light your way. Hope tomorrow is successful beyond your wildest dreams.

  16. Ahhh! Poised on the beak of an eagle - as usual! Glad to know that all is well in the Moon Shell household and that the Good Lord hasn't given you more eggs than you can hatch in a nutshell - or something. That you do all that and write - with a sense of humor - makes me want to fly out there and take you out to lunch and just talk and laugh. OK, well, no time for that. How about if I drop in and keep you company while you ice cupcakes.

    I love your blog. Thank you for squeezing in time to take and post photos, find and post music, and share your thoughts when you can gather them.

    Big hugs!

  17. yep, that's you up there, all right.

    p.s. ever try thyme tea for that cold? it works wonders. steep one tsp dried thyme in one cup boiling water for ten minutes. strain, and add honey to taste. drink up to three cups per day. clears sinuses, eases bronchial spasm, naturally drying and antiseptic.

  18. I knew that you being quiet online meant life was definitely much, much louder in real life.

    Hope you can fit a nap in soon. xoxoxo

    (Good luck for the webinar.)

  19. I am not great at math but I think it's been more than 10 days so that cold might not be a cold! What does the Chinese doctor say?

  20. Yes, you've been quiet but that got me to explore other blogs and now I read Ms. Moon every day! Hello, and thank you both for posting.

  21. OK fine you're forgiven for not posting original thoughts all weekend. Sheesh did you find any time to sleep or did that slip though the cracks?

  22. Me too. Total lack of critical thinking.
