Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Here's a joke that never fails to make me laugh. I first heard it from my best and oldest friend. Thank you, dear Moye.

Two twins were identical in every way physically, but there was one major difference -- one was an optimist; the other a pessimist. For one the glass was always half full, for the other half empty. If the temperature was just right for the one, it was just wrong for the other. One found every day beautiful, the other oppressive. Clothes fit “perfectly” on one, too tight or too loose on the other. 
    On the girls’ birthday one year, the father of the twins decided to try an experiment. While his daughters were at school, he filled the room of the pessimist with toys and games, and filled the optimist’s room with horse manure. When the girls came home, they went to their respective rooms and found their “birthday presents.” After a few minutes, the father stopped in to visit each.  
    He found the pessimist sulking amid the heap of toys and games. “What’s wrong?,” he asked. “There are so many directions, so many pieces to assemble, and so much trash to throw away” she moaned. “And all my friends are going to hate me with jealousy.” When he went to the optimist’s room, he found his daughter happily digging and kicking her way through the manure. “Why do you look so happy?” he asked. She answered, “There’s got to be a pony around here somewhere!"


  1. Ha ha! Though I am in a pessimist mood today (I have not felt well since mid-December) that made me smile.

  2. I love that :)
    I must remember to look for a pony :)

  3. Was there? A pony, that is. I 'm not interested in digging through a lot of manure when there is no pony, which has been a good deal of my life.

    I'd rather complain about too many pieces, too many parts, which has also been a good part of my life.

  4. I sooo needed the laugh. Thank you!

  5. I have those two daughters! They aren't twins, but they're here. Thank God for the optimist or else I might not get out of bed most days.

  6. So funny! Somehow, it makes me think of my mother (who would, undoubtedly, be looking for the pony), so I'm off to share this with her.

  7. hahaha, perfect. i think i need to start looking for my pony...

  8. I believe that I'll find that pony!!!

  9. Which is exactly why I wish I had been born an optimist!
