Wednesday, January 4, 2012

You Never Sit in the Front Seat

You never sit in the front seat because you like to throw your head to the right, and you'd bang it, over and over. But today, you rode in the front, and the world turned around. You saw the sky and the trees with their last, dripping leaves, and when I came out of the bank, you followed me and smiled.

Small Stone 4


  1. A change of perspective is good for anybody.

  2. this made me tear up. beautiful sophie, and those beads around the headrest. for her?

  3. Oh, Elizabeth. It makes me happy when your world is lovely.

  4. A new world view for everyone! I love it!

  5. How wonderful! -- I'm so glad you caught it on camera! :) There must be some kind of synchronicity because on the weekend I let Ben sit up front with me for the first time! He's always sat in the back cause he's so tiny (and perhaps technically he still should). And he was totally psyched.

    Only downside was when he sat up front with Dad later he pushed the gear shift out of gear and into park. He thought this would make the car go "faster." Lost his computers for the weekend as a result. xo

  6. when their eyes follow us it is a magical thing .... and for Sophie truly a small precious stone ... she is a beauty

  7. So beautiful Elizabeth...what a gift this shift in seating was for both of you.

  8. I love these brief, intense pieces. What an art and a discipline, to say so much with so few words.

  9. What a great shot and expression... Perfectly paired with a stone too.

  10. Mmmmm....Sophie gets her time and all went well...

  11. Gorgeous -- Sophie and the stone.

  12. This is nice -- and moving in its simplicity. I like Oliver with the moon roof, too!

  13. Wonderful to see that smile and the trees reflected through the glass on the car windows and Sophie seated as if engaged with the world.

  14. These lovely, deliberate, crystalized words work so well with your customary thoughtful observations. And sophie's stillness here...I like just sitting with her.

  15. There are times you post and I am stirred and don't know what to say and end up saying dumb stuff.

    Like this time.

  16. the first photograph...
    the very gentle arms of trees draping your sophie in mysterious and perfect light.

  17. it is so intertwined, isn't it? the sour and the sweet

  18. This is lovely. You really do have a gift for saying an enormous amount in a very few words.

  19. You have many gifts which of course we all know. One of those gifts is the ability to convey the profoundness of significant moments that 99% of the population misses.

  20. i love this, yet it makes me cry...
