Thursday, February 2, 2012

In lieu of a real post

here's a silly post. I wonder how many times I've titled my post "In lieu..." -- no matter.

I still have nothing to say -- and everything to say, I suppose. But what I want to tell you is that today I had an appointment in Beverly Hills, and I hate going to Beverly Hills because with a few possible exceptions, it's a freak show over there. Crazy BMW drivers, mustard-colored Rolls-Royces, paparazzi on every corner, fifty year old women who are probably really eighty, slicked-back Porsche-driving metrosexuals -- well -- the list could go on and on and I just hate going there. But I had this appointment, so I drove my car into one of the large parking garages and as I climbed up the ramp in my car, a hot pink Beetle came down. On the side of the car was a large painting of one of those little Japanese dolls -- something like this, but just the head:

And the woman driving the hot pink car with the Japanese doll painted on the side WAS THE JAPANESE DOLL. Exactly. She looked exactly like the doll painted on the side of her hot pink car. I thought I might be hallucinating because I was in Beverly Hills overload, but there she was, driving her car like a normal person, right beside me.

It was fantastic. I have no idea who she was or where she was going, but it was fantastic.


  1. Hi. I followed you over here from Birdie's 40 and loving it blog. I live on the other side of the country, but I thought this was so funny. I love seeing stuff like that, and reading this, I felt like I did. Thanks.

  2. Only here my friend, only here.

    And the thing is, do you know how many times, I have seen a sight like you describe and uttered, out loud, "Only here, would you see that. Only here."? Said with a giggle and a smile. Reminds me of Mark, stopping at light in Hollywood, only to glance over to his right and see a man jogging. In a tank top. And nothing else. Absolutely nothing else on. And people around the runner, on the sidewalks, barely flinched.

    And we wonder why be have the crazy in California reputation.

    Might be true. Just might be true.

  3. Yet another reason I miss CA. Maybe not so much the driver, but the jogger above sounds like fun!

  4. I used to live in LA too and the things that scared me the most was the people who used to stand on the corners and talk to buildings...yikes!

    But it sounds like there was no peeing involved in this parking lot adventure, so perhaps you are becoming LA parking lot jaded...:)

  5. love it! you just can't make up stuff like that...the real crazy stuff of life and what I miss most about living in a city. well, that and being able to run to the store for ice cream at midnight.

    ps the open ID didn't work...hope this does.


  6. Wow! How does one decide to become a cartoon? It's amazing!

  7. Kind of like walking, talking Photoshop. Unvirtual reality?

  8. So does that mean you don't mind going to Beverly HIlls now?

  9. It is somehow reassuring to know that Beverly Hills really is a very strange and magical place.

  10. Maybe it was Hello Kitty :)

    I miss all that color you've got going on there

  11. The way you write about Beverly Hills is the way I feel about the town - well, it's a city now - where I grew up. It's just insane there. I don't even like to VISIT, but some of my family still lives there.

    I love this post - it's a real post, to me.

  12. I love it! In Ft.Collins, Colorado, I once saw a white VW Bug painted to look like a panda. Black eyes and such. The interior was white with fuzzy black seat covers. Black and white flowers in the vase. And the woman driving it had black hair, and a white blouse with black polka dots. Marvelous.

  13. Love it! Sounds like she was advertising herself as she drove around town.
