Monday, February 6, 2012

In my spare time, while lounging,

I helped to produce a webinar that was recorded in January with Project Access and The Epilepsy Foundation of America. Using Technology to Communicate with Your Developmentally Disabled Child ** features my friend and colleague, Jennifer Bertram (the mother of a child with both autism and epilepsy) and Cindy Cottier, an extraordinary speech pathologist who specializes in augmentative communication technology here in southern California. Jennifer and I share our personal stories and successes with Cindy, who provides an in-depth view of various communication tools and explains how the iPad, in particular, is used as a communication tool for children and youth with developmental disabilities. There are wonderful resource pages and tips on portability and hardwareYou can listen to the pre-recorded webinar by clicking this link (there is no need to pre-register, and it's free!):

On February 14th, we will host a live Question and Answer session -- Cindy, Jennifer and yours truly. The Q&A is also free, but you do have to pre-register. Here's the link to do so with information:

Finally, Julia Roberts (not THE Julia Roberts, but a far more interesting one!) has been kind enough to help spread the news on her wonderful website . You can access the webinar and the Q&A links there as well!

Finally, please share this information with as many people as you can who might benefit. I would so appreciate that -- and will allow you some time on my couch with homemade bonbons if you do so.

** I apologize for the less than stellar sound quality of the recording. Project Access is working on improving the link, and hopefully it will be soon.


  1. I'm happy to pass it along and already have to my cousin who works at Lindamood-Bell with so many families who could benefit from this information.

  2. Can't wait to get the kids in billing done and watch this!

  3. I believe that you did a great, Elizabeth. It is the one gift that I wish I could give Adam, a way to communicate. I know what he wants or doesn't want, but I would like to give him control...tried it all. Spasticity is an obstacle which stands in the of all..always searching...His near drowning fried his basal ganglia which mediates intention and thought and the translation to action...will keep looking

  4. Look- all I have to say is move over and let me rub your feet. On that couch.

  5. What a great resource. I enjoyed hearing you speak, even though the sound was somewhat garbled. You are a natural teacher - you take complex topics and break them down into easily accessible bits of information. I hope you have more opportunites to do things like this - there are so many who can benefit from your knowledge and experience.

  6. you GO girl! so impressed... as always :)
