Monday, February 27, 2012

Pioneer Woman and homeschooling

Heather Sanders wrote an interesting piece on Pioneer Woman's blog the other day about homeschooling and recent comments made by Rick Santorum. Why, you ask, am I reading a homeschooling post? Well, I read Pioneer Woman's blog like ten million other people in the universe do, and yesterday I accidentally clicked on the Homeschooling tab instead of the Home and Garden tab, and it just caught my eye. I read the post, which was interesting, but then I started scanning the comments and got a sense that yes, there really are people out there who like Rick Santorum and don't think he's a crazy and they even have names and blogs and I could "talk" to them if I wanted to. There are literally hundreds of comments on that post, comments that quickly veered away from the topic at hand -- homeschooling -- and dug deep (or shallow, I suppose) into religion, birth control, women's roles, abortion, evolution and all those other topics that strike fear into the heartland of our privileged country.


This is some scary stuff for left-wing, communist, socialist, gay-loving, elitist, phony theologist, environmentally radical people like ourselves.


  1. It's frightening to realize that people like us are the minority. The more I watch any of those GOP nutballs comment on anything, the more I'm convinced we need to move to Finland.

  2. I think that the Republican candidates are clearly an odd bunch who flip-flop on every issue. Rick Santorum is in another category...he is a very dangerous man and brings out the very worst in others. My amazement flows from the perception that he as many followers...I don't get it!


    You can't force me to believe there are people out there like that. I'm happy in my "left-wing, communist, socialist, gay-loving, elitist, phony theologist, environmentally radical people" bubble. So there.

  4. You're making me want to go look!

    It makes me almost literally crazy that people praise Rick Santorum for "standing by what he believes in" or "being honest about his beliefs," without pausing to note that some of his beliefs are totally repugnant.

    But don't get me started.

  5. Wow. Yeah. Homeschooling would be great. There are all kinds of families out there who could get by on one salary. As for those other folks, who cares? Maybe they could drop their kids off in some fancier neighborhood everyday so those kids could be home schooled by the rich.

  6. I can't even go here. He is bat-shit crazy. My only hope is that if he gets the nomination, more will become aware of his absolutely insane ideas and he will lose support of anyone who is the least bit moderate. Because the man is nuts.

  7. Okay. Boy. I thought I was batshit crazy but no, no. Not really.
    I didn't even REALIZE that homeschooling is such a...religion. I know that some home-schooled kids get great educations but I just can't believe that most of them do. If you have eight kids how in HELL do you get dinner on the table, much less keep up with the education of all those kids?
    And what?! Rick Santorum is PRO WOMEN? And birth control (which kind?) is a class 4 carcinogen? What?
    Man, that is some effed-up shit.
    That's all I have to say about that.

  8. Oh my god, you did it again !:)) You called it out so clear....that is what we ( I ) are (am)...hahaha

    "left-wing, communist, socialist, gay-loving, elitist, phony theologist, environmentally radical people like ourselves" sorry, I just had to print it out again - so funny........and true!

    And I would add "handicap advocating" but he seems to think he is that too and I don't want to be anything like him so I will say...."practicer's of opening love"
    Bless you Elizabeth, you are soooo smart:)

  9. me too...what kario said...I like my happy rainbow bubble where people care about one another and are supportive of differences and choices and HELLO the REAL world we live in where we can't pretend everyone is exactly the same, believes the same stuff or HAS to for that matter...wait maybe I'm pretending? Naaaa. we can't be the minority...lovingkindness has to win out over intolerance...I am the Laurax I speak for the trees!

  10. Hi, If there has been a recent spike in the viewership of your blog, I take full responsibility. Thank you for your inspiration, your photographs, poetry, laughs and wisdom, and for the food, of course. Your writing feels like we are having coffee and oranges across a table, having a rich, funny conversation. Thank you for all of it. If I was 9 years old, instead of a grandmother of 4, I would say can we be friends? But sadly grownups can't be so forthcoming without appearing weird or stalker-esque. Anyway, thanks again. Suz

  11. Suz: Welcome and thank you for your kind words -- so NOT stalker-like! I am glad you come here and find good conversation, and I hope you'll continue to do so and join right in.

  12. OK - This one is enough to bring me out of lurkdom! I love your blog and feel much the same as Suz posting above. Now I'm going to have to check out that post, those comments, and probably have to add my own. I'm much more vocal on blogs where I disagree -lol.

  13. Oh dear. I'm glad there's you. That is all.

  14. I'm so scared to click on it. So scared!!

  15. Man, I read that post when it came through my RSS feed, and I clicked away fast, before I could let myself see any comments. I knew it would go there. I refuse to let it into my brain.

    I like having you in my brain much more.
