Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Tired of Politics Chicken Post

Henry, dressed as a chicken for Spirit Week at school


  1. It's a good thing Elvis can't see that!!!

  2. Wonderful chicken, almost looks for real. It's hot inside that costume I imagine. Good for Henry.

  3. Oh my lord. That thing scares me.

  4. Tell Henry I understand what he's going through. I had to dress like a flamingo to represent Florida for a convention back in the 1990s and it looks like it was just as comfortable. He is my new hero! If I ever learn to work my scanner I'll send you a copy.

  5. Where in the heck did you get that costume?? All you need is that chicken car, do you know the one I am talking about? Down south somewhere. With a giant chicken on the top. An old Cadillac I think. I can picture you cruising the streets of LA in it. Oliver would think it was the coolest,thing ever. Henry, too I suppose. If he's willing to wear the suit, then my guess is that he would!

  6. Dear god, I am with Ms. Moon. I am going to have nightmares. (I think my fear is related to that Burger King Subservient Chicken.)

  7. I love it! That's kind of how I see a lot of the politicians, anyway, so this could be a political post, if you wanted it to be. ;)

  8. I think you may need to save this photo...could come in handy in a few years. Hilarious!
