Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Triumph of 1 Swiss, 1/2 Italian, 1/4 Scotch-English and 1/4 Syrian Parenting

10:31 pm


  1. Bravo for melting pot heritage!


  2. I don't know, it looks like it is coming from under, not over. Do over.

  3. Oh my gosh, Lisa's comment is hilarious, because I have an issue with the direction of the TP roll. And I love your parenting percentages. Do it YOUR way!

  4. I must vote with Lisa on this one.

  5. I too have a total issue with direction,but with that said, I have even a bigger issue with an empty roll and no replacement so at this juncture I would take it just put on, whatever the way.

  6. Clearly the children are not well bred in our house...I am the ONLY one who ever replaces the paper. (occasionally my husband...since only occasionally, I think it is his pedigree that must be the cause of this genetic malfunction!)

  7. So, I think that combo beats my own family's Italian/Russian Jew combo. (My mother used to love saying, "It's loud at our house, but we eat good." Very true, but I'd happily throw a little Syrian food tradition in there to raise things from "good" to "perfect.")

  8. Dear god. I was scrolling by the posts in Dashboard and I saw the toilet paper roll. I had to stop. Oh, dear god it is wrong! It goes over. The flowers hang upside down otherwise and when it is hanging upside down you have to dig around to get to it and that is not a great thing to be doing with hands that are less than clean.
    Did you put this picture up just to cause an OCD reaction? When I go to someone's house that has their TP like his I change it. Sick, I know but it makes me feel like I have done something constructive with my life.

  9. Calm down people. The TP tears off very nicely when hung this way. If the 4 other people I live with ever change the TP they are welcome to hang it whichever way but I hang it that way too.
