Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sophie's Birthday - Part I

We make a big deal about birthdays, around here. We celebrated Sophie's seventeenth this morning by waking her up.

Henry and Oliver blew up the most magnificent balloons that I'd bought a month or two ago. They're a sort of paisley/peacock style.

I love blurry photos --

Oliver helps Sophie get ready to eat breakfast -- fresh pineapple and cinnamon buns

The goofball siblings

Pay no mind to the sleepy woman in the apple robe behind the birthday girl.

Cupcake Extravaganza (for her class party)

Part 2: Class Party, stay tuned.


  1. Simply awed by the bountiful expression of love in the family...

  2. Pretty balloons and those cupcakes look good!

  3. You are the best.
    Thanks for letting us peek in on the love!

  4. A very Happy Birthday to Sophie! She and I are birthday comes soon too. No wonder I adore mermaids...

    Those are fantastic balloons Elizabeth. I've never seen any like that. And the birthday cupcakes are saying "EAT ME!".

  5. I want to crawl through the computer and eat Oliver up. What a special day. And those balloons are gorgeous - like marbleized paper I bought in Italy.

  6. Nothing better than balloons and cupcakes...okay, maybe awesome brothers.

  7. All I can say is- you do birthdays better than I ever did.
    Gorgeous- all of you! And the balloons- where did you find them?

  8. Happy birthday sweet Sophie! You are beautiful and amazing!

    Thank you for these beautiful pictures. I just love your family.

  9. Happy Birthday, Sophie! (it is not lost on me that today is International Women's Day - no accidents).

    Those balloons ROCK! I want some, too!

  10. Happy 17th Birthday Beautiful Sophie!!!

    and happy what's left of the birthing day to you Elizabeth.

    kisses and hugs all around

  11. I had to smile when I saw Sophie sitting at the table with her water bottle and bib, reminded me of Katie.

    The cupcakes look delicious.

  12. WHOOOOOHOOOOO!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIE! Seventeen! Wow. You must have been a teen mom :).

    cute cupcakes too btw!

    give her extra hugs from our gang!

  13. Your cupcakes are making my mouth water! Your boys are so dear, and those are fabulous balloons. Looks like a great way to begin the day!

  14. Happy birthday to sweet Sophie from here in Kansas! Elizabeth, those cupcakes are beautiful! And look sooooo yummy!

    Carrie T.

  15. What a lovely party. I wish I could handle latex because those balloons are wonderful.

    Happy Birthday to Sophie, beautiful girl.

  16. Oh my heavens, those balloons. Happy, happy birthday Sophie girl!

  17. I'd say that's a Sophie celebration extraordinaire! The silly siblings are delightful. The cupcakes look delicious. The balloons are quite spectacular. Would you please add me to the guest list next year? I'll wear my apple pajamas! Let the good times continue.


  18. Happy, happy birthday beautiful, radiant Sophie. And happy birth-day to you, beautiful, radiant Elizabeth.

    I know, I KNOW the world, though more complicated, is so much better for both of you in it. For all of you. I hope the day has been a good one.

  19. Hope you got my text earlier today sending love to your beautiful girl.

    Sending more birthday wishes to end the day and will be waiting on the class party pics. Those cupcakes I am certain were a hit.

    Love to you all.

  20. I love a breakfast birthday party!! THose cupcakes are outrageous, and much too good for a bunch of teenagers - bring some to the Cub Scout meeting for us grownups!!

  21. Happy Birthday Mermaid Sophie!!! Those cupcakes made me salivate. Mmmmmmmmmmm and those balloons are freaking awesome.

  22. Those are incredible balloons! Happy belated birthday to Sophie. :)

  23. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Sophie! The family, those cupcakes, that robe, how marvelous.

  24. elizabeth, you and your family *define* birthday party! fabulous!

  25. Oh my goodness! What a celebration. How do you do it? Especially those decadent cupcakes!

    What a special day for all of you.

    Happy Birthday Sophie! xo

  26. Happy Birthday dear, dear Shopie! A beautiful morning, a beautiful celebration, a beautiful family, a beautiful YOU!

  27. Happy, happy birthday dear Sophie! Those cupcakes are works of art, and the balloons magnificent!!

  28. Thank you for the party! I had a wonderful time. Happy birthday, dear Sophie, happy birthday to you!

  29. now those are some cupcakes!

    hugs to sophie!

  30. The woman in the apple robe is beautiful. Even when she's sleepy. And she has a beautiful family...

  31. What a wonderful day for you all and Sophie! Happy Birthday!
