Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blue is the color of the sky

Pink is the color of the bougainvillea.

Red is the color of the flowers on the tree,

that Sophie couldn't keep her eyes off of,

as she walked freely on the grass

 under the watchful eyes of her brother Henry


  1. Thank you for that heart gift.

  2. Damn, I am filled with envy, again...Montreal is gray, brown, congested and too few speak English to order a good pizza? Homesick..

  3. Okay, so I've always said that 'meh, I'd never want to live in Southern Cali'...but then I see this, and I might be changing my mind.

    Your children are so lovely and tall!!

  4. looks beautiful and balmy and makes me miss Balboa Park in San Diego. Lovely photos of the kids meandering!

  5. sometimes I am just struck silent by the beauty on your blog and can't even think what to comment.

    That was just so beautiful. Thank you.

  6. I wouldn't have been able to keep my eyes off those flowers either. Oh thank you for this glimpse.

  7. What a wonderful sight. Even without the exquisite colors seeing Sophie mesmerized by a flower is enough to make the heart skip a beat. Henry is a guardian angel, isn't he?

  8. it's fascinating to me--and a tribute to your integrity and lack of compromise--how much i, and clearly others, have come to identify with your family. we care deeply about every gesture, every shade of blue refracting from your sky.
    you guys totally rock. day in and day out.

  9. what susan said. yes.

    this is beautiful.

  10. Breathtaking.

    Especially that shot of Henry with his hand on her back. I can't believe how tall he is!

    Glad she's feeling well enough to walk in the sunshine.

  11. The colors and the flowers are beautiful. But your son watching Sophie.....Unbelievable.

  12. These moments, that you captured, simply amazing.

  13. So sweet, your Henry and Sophie. I am honestly moved to tears.

  14. Oh yes. Beautiful beautiful. Your heart must have been filled to overflowing as you took these photos.

  15. The photos of their togetherness bring tears to my eyes.

  16. Just beautiful my friend, just beautiful. All of it (And, to me, especially Henry watching over his sister.)
