Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Last Call

You might have seen this video a while back:

For the last two years I've said here and elsewhere that I'm going to make a video of still photos of YOU, parents of children with special healthcare needs and your wise words to yourself, THE DAY BEFORE YOU KNEW YOUR CHILD'S DIAGNOSIS. These words can be simple, complex, dark, light, positive, negative, funny, serious or everything all at once. I'm going to set the photos to music and hope it'll be helpful to new parents as well as inspiring. I imagine it'll be a healing testament for all of us.

Well, I've got a bunch of photos that make my heart sing and move me to tears, but I need more. Here's what you can do:

  1. Write down on a piece of white paper or poster-board advice that you would give to yourself, that long ago self, when your child was diagnosed.
  2. Have someone take a picture of you holding the poster
  3. Email me the picture at elsophie AT gmail DOT com
  4. If you want to send more than one, feel free. I'll use them all.
  5. Spread the word to your friends. MEN, please participate!
  6. I'm setting a goal of finishing this by May 15th, so please help me and send yours in (if you haven't already!) as soon as possible.


  1. Looking forward to seeing this when you have completed it Elizabeth!

  2. what a great project! Good on YA!

  3. I can hardly wait to see it! Hooray!

  4. What a beautiful idea. I can't wait to see it.

  5. We're going to do it! Pictures will be on their way to you soon!

  6. Been soooo out of the loop. Just seeing this now. Incredible idea. I will rise above my usual self depricating mindset and do this.

    I love this. And you.

  7. I just saw this, and I'd love to do it. I'll get a picture to you next week!

  8. I tried, awhile ago but the photo came out backwards. Now that I live with a photographer I shall try again.

  9. I love your idea. As for those presented here, some I identify with strongly, others not at all, others I find useless, some counter-productive. Which is what leads me to my advice, listen to everyone but don't feel you have to follow.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. eeek. I just saw this. We'd better get busy!

  12. Bummer! I just saw this and would have loved to participate.
