Friday, April 20, 2012

No water, minimal sun and no attention,

yet this old orchid bloomed.

I find that mysterious and hopeful.


  1. I always say I have the worst luck with orchids but honestly, I just have no patience to live with a stick in a pot for longer than a week.

  2. I think that's what orchids like. Which is also a nice thing to think about- such reward for no reason.

  3. Here's to blooming in adversity, unexpected rewards and pleasant surprises. Have a good weekend. Cheers.

  4. I have a flower that is like an orchid but isn't. i can't remember what it is. i thought it was working up to bloom but then my husband forgot and left it on the heater after he built a fire in it and now it seems to be recooperating. I like the way you look at the capchas. I don't like them but I must say I'm good at them.

  5. It looks like it is in your future writing room, maybe it is happy to be there, waiting for you to come work there.

  6. wow. i kill every orchid i get. there must be something special at work right there :)

  7. Aren't they awesome! I have them hanging all over my trees and forget they exist until suddenly I see a huge spike blooming it's heart out! I don't share this with many as I always think one of those hot house orchid growers would be horrified by my lack of interest.

  8. It's a good lesson for a parent - sometimes (maybe?) we fret to much. Or it's a good lesson for a gardner - plants will flower and fruit when in danger. Or it's a good lesson for ... must there be a good lesson in every and each miracle? it's just great that your orchid bloomed - end of story. A Tired "Catholic", Parent, and Gardener :)
