Thursday, May 31, 2012

Can we just look at some peonies today? (UPDATE)

***Update: Peonies are NOT readily grown here in La La Land. I believe they need a deep freeze, something that I myself have gladly not experienced in over fourteen years. These beauties were bought for $6.99 at the Trader Joe's down the road. I exclaimed over them like I do every year they turn up and every day that I see them opening ever outward. They're feminine, blowzy, sexy -- I love them. I wish I was one.


  1. Luscious and yes, yes, yes! Oh, how I wish we could grow them here.

  2. I love peonies so much, and they've been on my mind for the past two days!

    When I was a little girl I gave my bus driver a few, wrapped in a wet paper towel. They were covered in ants that traveled off of the flowers and onto her hand. D'oh!

  3. argh...another plant I MUST have, and soon! ;)

  4. Gorgeous! Mine are just beginning to open and I'm not sure who is more excited about it, me or the bumblebees that have been hovering around them for days now.

  5. Mine were lovely here too, but all gone last week. They just make me want to touch them, that soft cool petal. So pretty in that low light.

  6. I am not going to have an peonies this year as I need to plant some. Thanks for putting your here for me to admire. :-)

  7. why not - aren't they lovely flowers?

  8. honestly, I complained about Captcha a week or so ago, and NOW it's revenging: along with the indecipherable letters, it's got unreadable images of street numbers!!! I think you should get your famous stamp out, and send it to Captcha :)

  9. works for me...I can't wait for ours to pop! these are gorgeous!

  10. I'm in St.Paul for a few days. Peonies are bursting from the flower beds.

  11. yes, please. they're gorgeous!

  12. I think peonies just might be my favorite flower...I've been enjoying them so much this year...

  13. The scent on our main floor is heaven.
    I've cut and brought in our white ones as they grew too leggy and when I watered( we've had no rain) they drooped even with the ring).

    I'd gladly pay for them . A must have. Like tulips in early spring.

  14. Beautiful. Plump and pink and delicate and flouncy. I love them!

  15. I can ALWAYS look at peonies. I tried to buy some the other day, but bizarrely, the flower lady talked me out of it. (She said she'd have fresher ones the next day, even though these were still buds. I figured she knew something I didn't.) Then I got home and Dave said peonies are "ant magnets," but I'm still going to buy some the next time I see them.

  16. LOVE the idea of being a flower. LOVE these peonies and that flower in general. You'd make a lovely peony, my friend.

  17. One of my FAVORITE flowers! So pretty. I wish i could find some for myself, but I'll enjoy your gorgeous photos instead. happy friday!! :)

  18. Those are amazing! I grew my very first peony this year, from a volunteer from my neighbors enviable garden. It was the deepest magenta, and I felt like a proud parent. Thanks for sharing yours with us, and why, why, why, does my Trader Joes not have peonies???

  19. Oh, but my dear Elizabeth, you ARE a peony -- feminine, sexy and sometimes, in pictures at least, your hair has the blowze of a peonies ruffled petals.

    As you know, I love peonies, too. A bouquet of them on the table is so companionable, like your presence here in blogland. x0 N2

  20. That would be "a peony's ruffled petals"...
