Monday, May 21, 2012

Eighteen Years

May 21, 1994 - Mollis, Switzerland

I don't want to throw in my lot with the marriage-is-hard-work crowd, the ones who suggest you see a couples counselor before you send out the invitations, who seem to support the entire advice-book industry. I was never one of those women who tell you that their spouse is their best friend, that they're always on the same page. I feel like you're ahead of the game if you're even in the same book.
 Anna Quindlen, Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake 

Happy Anniversary to The Husband, with gratitude for being in the same book for eighteen years.


  1. Congratulations Elizabeth and Husband. That's what I want I'm thinking, to be in the same book:)

  2. Same book works for me! Happy anniversary.


  3. Such a really charming post. Happy Anniversary lovely!!!

  4. Aw. Look at those beauties, pledging their troth with a kiss.
    Much love, darling.

  5. I need more pictures! Happy Anniversary. Reading AQ right now as well, divine.

  6. Beautiful. Happy Anniversary. I hope you have a beautiful day, and I hope that day 18 years ago was all you dreamed of as well.

  7. Beautiful! Hope he gets away from the mistress long enough to take you out for dinner!

  8. Lovely. That picture is perfect, it brought a tear to my eye.

    Congratulations and I hope you have a beautiful evening together.

  9. Happy Anniversary dear Elizabeth and wishing you many more...

  10. Carolyn Griffin HallMay 21, 2012 at 6:55 PM

    Why did I come up as "Unknown"????

  11. I think that passage says it perfectly.

    The picture is breathtaking. It really is.

    We hit 25 years on the 30th. A quarter of a century. I cannot even believe the road we have traveled to reach that milestone.I really can't.

  12. Happy Anniversary to BOTH of you. It's a beautiful thing, to have weathered the years and be thriving with three children, two businesses, a creative life and some very intricate circumstances - not to mention two different cultures! Congratulations and felicitations. xoxo

  13. Beautiful picture and Happy Anniversary. :-)

  14. Happy anniversary, Elizabeth. You are so loved.

  15. What a lovely photo! Happy Anniversary. Wishing you many more years of happiness.

  16. It's boggling how many things have to go right just so two people can cohabitate without killing one another. Add the romantic dynamic, finances, kids, and the thousands of things you never could've planned for or imagined; it seems miraculous any couples make it.

    I've seen six of my parents' marriages disintegrate. I'm definitely a cynic. I salute and applaud you. I hope you celebrated duly. Heaps of congratulations!

  17. happy anniversary to u and your exraordinary family from joanne

  18. happy anniversary!!! it's an extraordinarily beautiful book, even if the momentum changes from page to page. sometimes we're in the thick of the trees and can't see the majesty of the forest. how's that for metaphors mixed with abandon? one more. marriage is a long distance race and you have breath and strength like few others. bless your wonderful family.

  19. Happy anniversary to you and the Husband!

  20. I just cannot get over that photo actually.


    ( congratulations and many blessings and much love . the same book indeed . )

  21. Oh, I love that quote. Happy Anniversary to you!

  22. bon anniversaire from far away, mes cheries!

  23. eighteen - voting, soldiering, what else? drinking in some states

    that's really something to brag about - regardless of how you did it

  24. Congratulations! Marriage is hard work, but I'm not sure it's any harder than other parts of life.

    Here's to book metaphors, and many more happy years together.

  25. Look at you two adorable creatures! And yes, gratitude for being in the same book. Much gratitude.

  26. Happy Anniversary! Belated though it be.
    Great shot.

  27. I just finished Lots of Candles & sent it to a friend who I'm looking forward to sitting on a Maggie Valley porch and talking together with about it. (Gosh, what an awful sentence!:) Happy anniversary to you both . . .

  28. Wishing you a beautiful Happy Anniversary!

    [belatedly - sorry, catching up]
