Sunday, May 27, 2012

In lieu of a Dodgers game with The Boys and The Husband, Sophie and I

went to Venice Beach and hung out with some friends.

Dude flying his freak flag that I parked right next to


  1. Sophie looks like she is doing yoga and has something to teach all of us.

  2. Elizabeth - Sophie is so pretty. I hope you two had fun. The weather was magnificent in San Diego today and I imagine it was the same in LA. Thank you for your kind words on my blog. I very much enjoy visiting yours. You seem gifted with multiple talents and like such a fiercely loving mom. I imagine your life as challenged in some ways and yet so very tender.

  3. Yeah, I would have skipped a Dodgers game, too!

    (My word verification is SOFIA!)

  4. Sophie's scarf, elegance here evoke Audrey Hepburn.

  5. Oh, my gosh, Los Angeles has so much to offer, and you know how to tap into it. Your photos and writing make it look deliriously attractive, like some foreign country. And the photos in your "bored" posting (above), with the French doors and crystal doorknobs, children with you, quilts inside the house and sunlight outside, make me sigh. You creatively make an oasis in that huge metropolis, and it is lovely.

  6. Sounds like you made the right choice!

  7. I would have parked next to the Dude too!
