Sunday, June 24, 2012


Our young friend Gus died early this morning, struck down by cancer. We're sad and will take a break from blogging for a few days. It's weird and terrible to go about one's life when things like this happen.

Highway 30

At two in the morning, when the moon
has driven away,
leaving the faint taillight of one star
at the horizon, a light like moonlight leaks
from broken crates that lie fallen 
along the highway, becoming
motels, all-night cafes, and bus stations
with greenhouse windows,
where lone women sit like overturned flowerpots,
crushing the soft, gray petals of old coats.

Ted Kooser


  1. So sorry to hear such news. Take care.

  2. I am so sorry.
    Yes. Take time. We love you.

  3. so sorry to hear your sad news. sending love. beautiful boy.

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss - and O and H's too. Hugs to you all. Take time.

  5. There are not words. None. All I can do is send my love.

  6. Wishing you and all who loved Gus solace in dealing with his death.


  7. So very sorry. His beautiful soul pours out of that photograph. These things make no sense, there is no comfort to give when a child is lost.
    Hugs are the only balm I've found.

  8. thinking of you all, in the loss of this beautiful boy. how i wish things could be different.

  9. Peace to you and all who loved this dear child. xxoo

  10. Gus is a beautiful boy. I am so sorry about his passing. You are in my thoughts.

  11. As a parent, I can't imagine losing a child. Especially losing a child to cancer. It's just so wrong, and weird. Thank you for your tribute.

  12. I've seen Gus' sweet face on your and Gretchen's blogs for months and I can't believe he's gone. Hope O and H are doing ok.

  13. I'm so very sorry. Sending all my love.

  14. So, so sorry. thinking of you, and all of Gus's friends and family.

  15. Elizabeth, I'm so very, very sorry to read this news. My heart goes out to all of Gus' family and friends. God bless your aching heart (and theirs) with comfort and peace.

  16. Oh my friend, I have been gone all day. Just seeing this now. My hatred and yes it is hate, for cancer, never wanes. I have seen far too many young lives ripped prematurely from their loving families arms, far far too soon. I will never,ever reconcile with any of this in my lifetime. At least not this side of Heaven.

    Prayers of peace and strength for his family as they navigate these days and all the days that lie ahead.

  17. it is impossible to go through life as normal in light of something like this. It's not normal. It terrible and sad beyond words.

    But one day soon, the luxury of living normal life will return with a renewed appreciation for all the mundanity that involves.

    Peace to Gus and his family and to all who knew and loved him.

  18. I'm so sorry. My thoughts to his family & yours. I don't have the words.

  19. Oh, poor Gus -- how sad. I'm so sorry.

  20. Our thoughts and prayers are with Gus's family. We think of you too and send you comfort.xo

  21. So sorry for your loss, Elizabeth.

  22. What a beautiful little boy...I am so sorry, Elizabeth.

  23. I hate to drop F-bombs willy-nilly in a public forum, but fuck cancer. Curse it, blast it damn it all to hell. It has taken so many good ones. Love to you, dear Elizabeth, and healing, comforting thoughts and energy to everyone grieving the loss of such a beautiful little boy. My heart goes out to all of you.

  24. He is beautiful.. I will be thinking of you and his family.
