Monday, June 18, 2012

Hanging on my bulletin board

In the spirit of Ms. Moon posting a hilarious New Yorker cartoon, I pulled down this one, which has been hanging on my bulletin board for years. My favorite is the Cinema Abbey. I think if you click on it, you'll be able to read it more clearly.

Another favorite is this:

That's it tonight, folks, unless you want me to get up off my bed and do a dance.


  1. I am often astounded that the NYer not only has the best cartoons ever BUT ARTICLES TOO!
    And fiction. And poetry.
    Crazy good.
    Love these.
    You can do a dance if you want to.

  2. Bwhahahaha!

    If Mimosa's Witnesses ever come in style I am taking down the "No Soliciting" sign off my door!

  3. very clever, very funny. So New Yorker. I've been reading it since I was knee-high to a grasshopper, my grandmother always had a subscription.

    Go to bed now. Rest.

  4. Love the "Cinema Abbey," as well as "SHOOTING THE MOON!!!" That brings back memories of card games with my family, ha!

    I would definitely welcome the Mimosa's Witnesses into my home. I would even provide the orange juice.

  5. What a pleasant morning - to come back from my morning dog walk and it down and read this post. I laughed out loud.

  6. I would not hide behind the door if the Mimosa's Witnesses came by. Thanks for reminding me to look at the old comics on my fridge!

  7. I LOVE the New Yorker's cartoons!
