Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hey, Girl: An Accompaniment to my Last Post with Ryan Gosling

I've wanted to do this for weeks and finally, sort of, figured it out. I'm participating in this week's Special Needs Ryan Gosling meme, started by the brilliantly funny Adventures in Extreme Parenthood.

You have to scroll down and read my earlier post to get it, I think.


  1. Hee hee hee...and then Ryan can write a report card and fail her!!!

  2. Humor. Humor and sleep. If they can't cure whatever ails you, well, I guess Ryan Gosling can.

  3. Ryan can fix anything! haha! glad you threw your hat in the ring with Sunday's Ryan G challenge!! :) love her!

  4. He's a yummy man, which I suppose sounds kind of creepy coming from a woman old enough to be his mom. He's still yummy though:)

  5. My sister has been doing this for a while. Hilarious.
