Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It's really quiet around here

Oliver went to camp for two weeks on Sunday. I can't say I like the quiet.


  1. Ah well. It is what it is so you might as well enjoy the parts you can. He'll be home soon enough and chaos will reign again.
    And you will be happy. I know.

  2. Hope Oliver has a great time at camp. Enjoy the quiet while you can :)

  3. I miss Jake too.

    Although, as you know, hardly quiet here. And thankfully so. The quiet might just do me in these days.

  4. Two weeks? I don't think I could go without my dessert for two weeks ;)

  5. I know, right? The absence of one boy can be so noticeable. I've got my absent one back now for a few weeks, and I'm in heaven!

  6. Amazing what motherhood does. Drives us insane. And then we long for the source of that insanity when it's absent. Love.

  7. Yeah it will get quieter around my house in the fall when my eldest goes to college. I do like quiet...but not missing my beloveds. Two weeks will fly, he'll have a wonderful time and think about the joy of hugging him again!

  8. may the knowledge that he is having a blast temper your longing.

  9. He will come a happy dirty boy! I sent my son to a sleep away camp for 28 days in rural Wyoming when he was a boy. He has great self confidence as a result.

  10. I spill over the sides after catching up on reading your recent posts. Spilling tears, anger, love, passion for life. Too overwhelmed to comment sometimes.

    The photo of you and Oliver is simply the best.
