Thursday, July 19, 2012

Boy Scouts and Chicken

Norman Rockwell, c. 1940

The other day I posted about the Boy Scouts' recent ruling affirming discrimination against homosexuality and received so many interesting comments. I was struck, in particular, by one that mentioned the BSA is perhaps more fearful of pedophilia than of homosexuality and have conflated the two. I learned that the primary funding for the organization comes from the Roman Catholic Church, the Southern Baptist Church and the Mormon Church which suggests that there would be a huge exodus from the scouts were they to do the right thing and demand inclusion. I also learned that the decision was made in secret -- I can't figure out why, though, as secrecy seems to be completely contrary to the Boy Scout ideals of character, bravery and courage.

The funniest comment came from Lisa, though, my dear southern friend and fellow writer. She declared that pretty soon, Chick-fil-A (whose CEO recently confirmed his company's mega donations to anti-gay causes and stated :We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.) would be peopled with only elderly Scout Leaders. I told this to Oliver, and he finally laughed about the situation and shook his head. So dumb, Mom, he said. The whole thing is just so dumb.

(And I couldn't resist posting the fantastic Rockwell poster that I found on the internets. You can take it where you will --)


  1. I couldn't figure out whether to laugh or cry when I read that thing about "our first wives." Are they also married to their subsequent wives? It was so unclear.

  2. Enjoy this recipe for a chick-fil-gay!

  3. LOVE the poster. Your funding discovery explains it all -- the BSA is most worried about losing financial support, not offending people or doing the right thing. Money, money, money.

  4. Had to google "chick fil a" before I understood this post! LOL! Such a Canadian! Once again...yay Oliver. Love all the comments.

  5. Boy scouts, major organized religions, many governments, the KKK, the Family Research Council, most televangelists, etc....the fundamental commonality ...the dying remnants of a patriarchal society which the patriarchs are desperately clinging to through their little secret worlds.

  6. whereever do you find the absolute PERFECT photos for whatever it is you're saying. LOL!

  7. I had to google 'conflated'.

    Shows you what a dumbass I am, Claire. Cause I KNEW what Chic-Fil-A was off the bat.

  8. Oliver should be so proud of himself. The experience will ultimately teach him more about character and compassion than decades in the boy scouts. I am the mom of three boys (ages 8, 5 and 3) and I would be thrilled if any one of them ends up with the exceptional character of your son.
