Sunday, September 16, 2012

15,000 Plus!

Gustav Klimt

As of this afternoon, Pacific Coast time,  people have viewed the Extreme Parenting Video Project 15,408 times! How awesome is that? Thank you so much for sharing the video -- for posting it on your blogs and sharing it on Facebook and with your friends and relatives. Thank you, Phil Konya, AGAIN!, for putting the slides together in such a beautiful way. I've received countless emails and comments from viewers all over the world about how much it's affected them, whether they have children with disabilities or not. Last night, my friend Tanya (a gorgeous participant in the video) sent me a copy of an email that she had received from her mother. I cried when I read it, cried for gratitude -- for those who understand what the video means and how all of us who are on this path are in it together, powerful and vital.

I had to watch this twice to try and read all the sayings, and to take in all the details of the photos in the background going on, because I was crying so much!  I kept wiping my eyes and thinking of all these quietly heroic people who have, and are continuing, to work so hard being loving and responsible parents, including you, my dear daughter.  One can feel the connected strength and subsequent power between all of you.  I have learned so much, from you and Nigel. 
This project is uplifting and healing and elevates our human species in the universe.  I hope that you can please let the author, your friend Elizabeth, know by forwarding this comment on to her.  And, now I will watch it a third time.
I love you,
Life doesn't get much better than that, right?


  1. Beauty multiplies. So happy to have found your blog.

  2. Wow. Tanya's mom's words are beautiful. That apple didn't fall far from the tree, aye? Congrats on 15,408 views!

  3. Yeah, Baby - that's what I call "meaningful work." Well done!

    1. And you helped -- by the way, have I ever told you how I loved to be called "baby?" I do!

  4. Not to sound like a cliche but Elizabeth- you ARE the change you want to see. Made visible and shared. Your vision made real. I hope you are so very, very aware of that.

  5. "quietly heroic" is a phrase I will carry with me for a long time. Thank you to Tanya's mother for seeing us. I must admit, I have watched this several times, OK probably 1,000 times to relish in the "connected strength and subsequent power" that Tanya's Mom beautifully describes. Thank you dear Elizabeth (and all who contributed) for this inspiring video poetry.

    1. Lisa, for all I know, twenty people account for the 15000kids views!

  6. I feel so honored and blessed to be a part of this. Thank you again, Elizabeth!

  7. I have a print of this picture in my livingroom. And can you believe that this crazy wild child,loved this painting so much that I even once had contemplated getting a tattoo of it? I know. I have indeed lost my mind.

    Also honored, as you know, to be part of this and awestruck by it's beauty each and everytime I watch it.

  8. Reaping what you've sown.

    Love it! Your ripples extend far and wide, my friend.

  9. I am humbled that my heartfelt comment of praise and appreciation for all of you have brought inspiration, and peaceful attainment, to some. The Supreme Being of Life WILL work through us for the uplifting of others, if we acknowledge that concept. Incredible power.
    Unfortunately, I don't know how to do a "URL"! So, I sign this: "Tanya's Mom".

  10. Perfect comment for the effort in the video, and to the day-to-day lives of all of the parents far and wide living such lives of integrity and seva. My hats off to you all.

  11. I just watched this again. Needed to see it again - rough day today.

    Thanks for all you do. xo
