Saturday, September 1, 2012

Isn't she lovely?

Isn't she wonderful?

Isn't she precious?

But isn't she lovely, made from love.

(and thanks to Mirtha, Sophie's helper, who's as precious and lovely, too)

In case you missed it yesterday, here's the Extreme Parenting Video Project:


  1. They are both wonderful and lovely. I did see the video and shared it on my facebook page.


  2. Sophie looks particularly lovely here. And what a sweet helper Mirtha seems. You are blessed!

  3. Yes, they are both luminously lovely.

  4. Elizabeth.
    This is an amazing video. As you know, I do not have a disabled child, but I found so much humanity and wisdom and compassion here as I embark upon this journey of living with my mother.
    Thank you.

  5. Indeed, she is! I hope your video is getting lots of traction!

  6. Oh Elizabeth,
    This video is a work of beauty, and impossible to watch without tears and heartfelt appreciation for you and all who helped make it!

    Will be sharing this on my blog. What do you think about Hopeful Parents...may I share it there too?
    Thank you, thank you, a thousand thanks you's!xo

  7. she is beautiful. they are beautiful. you are beautiful too.

    i linked your video on my fb page and it is getting lots of hits.

    i can't get over it. Possibly my favorite, "Her eyes will sustain you." She sustains us all.

  8. p.s. Sophie and Mirtha are beautiful.

  9. So beautiful. Love to you both!

  10. Beyond lovely. And the video is fabulous. I agree with Denise. It reminds me of when I stepped off the cliff and into daily life with Alice. Thank you.

  11. Yes, she is - and Mirtha looks like (is) part of the family

  12. Sophie is so beautiful, Elizabeth. And this video made me cry. You write about your specific life and what you face every day, and what you have to say is universal. I think of you and your family every day and appreciate you more than you can ever know.

    1. Thank you, Verna -- your words mean the world to me!

  13. yay... you DID it. And its beautiful. and im totally crying.
    sorry i didn't participate... i meant to however i didn't know what I would say to myself. i STILL don't know :) Thank God all of the moms in the video do and it touched my heart. :) xoxox
