Tuesday, September 4, 2012

There was grumbling,

but there was also the requisite Over-the-Top Brownie Hot Fudge Sundae and Malted Milk Milkshake.

Since the video, I think I've got a few new readers, here, and I promise I'll be posting more substantial, meaty stuff soon. The regulars can attest for my general meatiness, particularly when it comes to Sophie who has been missing here for a few days but is, nevertheless, very much present. Since we raised one of her godforsaken medications, she has had fewer huge seizures and is very -- well -- rowdy. She hums a lot. A lot. She bangs her head around a lot. A lot. I imagine the brain activity that was taken up seizing is now just chaotically looking for stimulation. The proper kind. I feel a How We Do It post coming -- stay tuned.


  1. Isn't that what going back to school is all about? I wish had a reason to reward myself so deliciously!


    1. It's a tradition here to go get something decadent after the first day of school!

  2. The sweetest thing in that picture is those two boys!
    So glad you have new readers. You deserve TONS of them - and lucky they are to read you, Elizabeth. And as a regular reader, I find these "everyday stuff" posts lovely and enriching just as the "meatier" ones are.
    Glad to hear Sophie is not seizing so deeply - better for her, but the humming - that would be a hard one for me. Would she keep earphones in? Would music distract her? But I'm sure you've thought of everything under the sun.
    You sound - uplifted. It's lovely :)

    1. Unfortunately, Sophie doesn't like earphones. What distracts her, though, is to be up and walking, although we have to help her to walk so we can't do it 24-7.

  3. You ARE meaty. And sweet as Hot Fudge Sundaes. Uh-huh. I testify. Hand on the radio.

  4. What Ms. Moon said. And you know? I love all that you write. Reading of the ordinary, illuminated is as important and crucial to me as anything. Happy back-to-school. Good lord, I'm glad to have this day.

    1. Thank you, Sara. It's such a privilege to me that you like what I write -- especially given your extraordinary talent!

  5. Those boys are something.

    I've given up trying to read blogs but every few weeks...I miss a lot now. Just saw the AMAZING video. I'll be putting it up on Hill Country Mysteries soon and posting it on Facebook. The world needs it.

    1. Thank you, Kathleen - it was such a pleasure collaborating on that video, and I'm just thrilled at the reception it's getting --

  6. I love the tradition of ice cream on the first day of school. And for your new readers, yes, you do write meatily (don't you love that word?).

  7. It's all meaty, Elizabeth. it's all your life and i feel privileged to be sharing in every part of it.

  8. Does music coming through headphones help Sophie? although I imagine it would had to be heavy metal to stimulate her enough. It breaks my heart. There must be something ....

    1. Music coming through the headphones hasn't helped her in the past, but I might give it a try. Your sweet words cheer me, Kimmie --

  9. now THAT'S what i call a good tradition.

  10. Yay, school! Our tradition is to let each of the kids pick the dinner menu on their first day of school. We have often ended up with BBQ potato chips and ice cream as our dinner.

    I don't know what to say about the seizure medication. Made me think of the old saying about closing a door but opening a window. I'm thrilled that her seizures are abating, and hope that this period of extra energy is just an adjustment one and things will settle down.
