Saturday, September 22, 2012

Throwing something out to the universe,

and hoping that it'll be thrown back --

How cool is this bike? It's called The Duet, and word is that it's wonderful but not affordable, like so much of the stuff in the world of disability. Other than prostitution, any ideas for fund-raising? Any billionaires out there who want a tax write-off? Any moochers or receivers of government services that don't really need them but think the government is responsible for paying for everything want to do penance?


  1. That is one of the coolest things I've ever seen! I'll put my thinking cap on. I wish I was a millionaire - or half of one, even - you'd have it in a heartbeat!

  2. Well now I have to figure out how to buy two of them. Liam and I absolutely have to have this. Then the second we'll figure out how to ship out to la-la land. Nice thick tires on that one too, for riding on the beach.

  3. There is the option of a Donate button on your blog and the blogs of other parents for whom this would be so grand. I believe people want to participate in meaningful acts and being able to help at whatever level they can makes that possible. And it adds up. There must be an army out here that would do anything it could to add ease and joy to your lives. As they say, it takes a village. xo

    1. I think this is the greatest idea! All of us who love you and Sophie so much can make your request go viral in a heartbeat and soon the two of you would be zooming all over LA. Consider doing it!!! xoxoxoxo

    2. I would feel really uncomfortable doing that, Marylinn and Mary Bell -- I just couldn't!

  4. I sent Eric a link awhile back about an organization that gifted bikes to children. Not sure if this falls into their parameters but let me do some research and get back to you.

    We ALL need that bike.

  5. How about writing to the company, or posting on their website or facebook page with your request? Ask if you can advertise for them? Host a give-away (or a two-fer, with one for you)? Send them a link to the Extreme Parenting Video, while you're at it, and a copy of a book you're in. xoxox

    1. I love this suggestion....Hosting a give-away on your site would be great advertising for them, and your family would get this fabulous bike!

  6. buzzkill here. i really love the idea/concept, but could a pic of riders w helmets be posted? thanx

  7. Huh. Didn't even notice it. I'm thinking that riding up and down the sidewalks of our neighborhood and/or along the beach in Santa Monica really wouldn't warrant a helmet, but I get where you're coming from. My sons wear helmets, always, when they ride, but I probably wouldn't here unless I was doing some serious cycling.

  8. Elizabeth, I understand. I would feel the same. We'll all keep thinking about this and see what we come up with. I KNOW there is an answer and it's simple and close. xo

  9. That is so effing cool.

    Yeah. Prostitution would have been my first fundraising thought.

  10. I love Karen's ideas! Hope you get some other ideas that may work.

  11. I looked up the price. Holy shit! And it does look like a wonderful idea, just not for regular people.

  12. one year during bike week here, there was a bunch of adapted bikes and trikes etc. including one like this that people could try out. Yes they were incredibly expensive.

  13. Elizabeth, did you see my response to you about this bike on my blog? This bike was Max Make A Wish, so it was completely covered. We got the electric power assist, and it was the best decision! Some days he wants to ride for much longer than my legs want to take him! It is a heavy bike too!

    If Sophie is too old for the charity Variety to help her out, they will likely have contacts with other organizations that help with these types of purchases.

    (From their website)
    “Kids on the Go” Mobility Program

    Our “Kids on the Go” Mobility Program helps children with disabilities gain mobility, strength, confidence, independence and the chance to join in the life of their community by providing funding for walkers, wheelchairs, specially-designed adaptive bikes and therapeutic strollers to families with the most need. Please take a moment to see our Mobility Program in action:

    Freedom concepts works with Variety to provide bikes. They have a tandem type of bike that may work for Sophie.

    If we lived near each other, we would just take turns taking them for a spin on the Duet! The bike is from Denmark, and shipped straight from there. If you follow them on Facebook, you will get alerts when they are having sales...which sometimes seems like a drop in the bucket, but every little bit off helps if you are buying it.

    Another idea, our local university has an engineering program that works to custom make bicycles for those in wheelchairs or limited mobility. They do it as a project and actually get a grade. I have a friend who had a bike basically copied from ours, where the engineers made their own version of the bike for a fraction of the cost!

    The thing I love most about the Duet, is the ability to ride Max to the store, or to the park, and detach the wheelchair from the bike and take him by foot somewhere else. You just lock the bike up!

    I hope you can find a way! It is really such an amazing bike!

    1. Wow! I did see your post, but thank you for all of this information. I am going to look into it. I so appreciate you thinking about me --

  14. I can see your boys fighting over who gets to zoom around with Sophie :)

    Mermaid sea shells? i need to get to the beach :)

  15. I emailed my sister. She knows bike people. Hail mary but why not?

    1. Is there a bike mafia? Your wonderful two lines made me giggle! Keep me posted!

  16. Is Sophie 16 or under? I wonder if the United Healthcare Grant would cover it. It doesn't look like it would fall under anything on the excluded list. It would depend on her insurance as well.
