Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bumper Sticker Thoughts

See you tomorrow at the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Los Angeles' END EPILEPSY walk. We're meeting all members of Team Sophie at the giant brain by the Epilepsy Brain Bus.

Thank you for all your donations and your support. If you haven't had time to donate, that's all right because there's still time. Just click here and join us as we indefatigably work for relief from this devastating disease.

As for the MAKE DINNER NOT WAR bumper sticker, I had the pleasure of meeting Jenny Rosenstrach, the author of the wonderful cookbook Dinner: A Love Story and blog of the same name.  She was at Chevalier's, my favorite independent bookstore in Los Angeles, signing her books. We chatted for quite a bit, and I can honestly say that I feel like I've known her forever! If you don't know her blog or haven't gotten her book, I highly recommend its incredibly family-friendly recipes. Jenny and her husband write beautifully and with much banter and wit about their life with their children. I have used the recipes on her blog and in her book over and over and can attest for their ease and deliciousness!


  1. Have a wonderful walk Elizabeth. Was so wanting to join you but my dad's surgery and life in general, had other plans.

    Hoping that these winds and this ridiculous heat ease up for you all and that it is a beautiful day all around.

  2. enjoy your day ... I know you will

  3. have a good time on the walk!

    I'll have to ck out her blog...I'm all about food, doncha know?

  4. Stick me in your back pocket, okay? Love you, honey.

  5. Good luck with Team Sophie! I think of you all every time I look at my mermaid shell!

  6. Enjoy the walk and thank you for that link to Jenny's blog. I'll be visiting it shortly.

    Greetings from London.

  7. i didn't make it to jenny's reading but maybe that's a good thing. i think i would have gone all fangirly and squealed.

  8. Much better bumper stickers than the one I saw the other day on the pick up truck in front of me (with bullet holes peppering the back of it) which read "Beep For Boobies." For real. You just can't make that sh*t up.

    I'll check out her blog! Im glad the walk went well (read the earlier post first :) )
