Monday, October 29, 2012

My friend Moye

is an extraordinary artist.

That's a wall of ceramic vessels, each in its own tiny cigar case. It was part of Moye's first solo show, and the opening was in Santa Monica on Saturday night. I gasped when I saw what she had created over the last six months -- never has clay and chicken wire and color and simple, utilitarian objects been created and arranged with such startling beauty.

Moye is one of my oldest friends. We went to junior high school together in Atlanta and then high school. She has always been one of the most talented people I've ever known, and also the sweetest. Be on the look-out for her work as she'll soon be designing art pieces for Crate and Barrel!

Bravo, Moye. I am so proud to know you!


  1. Beautiful work! I particularly love the second piece you've pictured.

  2. Art pieces for Crate and Barrel! I believe she's struck the Artist's Motherlode.

  3. Very cool work! It takes great talent and courage to put your 'stuff' out there. I hope she is successful and finds a wide audience -- bravo to her.

  4. Such beauty and creativity - inspiring! And I love that she is getting a big gig with a big company - an artist's dream! Thank you for introducing us to your friend.

  5. Wow, that looks like a great show. I love the phrase "the patience of ordinary things." If I were in L.A. I'd definitely go see it!

  6. I think I remember you posting a picture of her work before - a bowl or vase that she gave you for your birthday? Such beautiful work. I love that wall of ceramic vessels.

  7. Gorgeous! Congratulations to her.

  8. very beautiful. I love the order, and lack of symmetry, and the overall whiteness and roundness of the display.
    i've been catching up, Elizabeth, and really saddened to read that you're struggling again (still?) with Sophie's drugs - the responsibility and decisions about finding the right medications and dosages and combination and what-else seems such a heavy burden for a mother to carry on top of everything else.
