Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pumpkin Men and Fairies with the requisite nasty dessert

Our house, decorated completely and solely by The Big O

The Big O in his scary Pumpkin Head Scarecrow costume

Henry, the Fairy Princess and Sophie, the Put-Upon

The Pumpkin Scarecrow and The Fairy arguing at our friend's house

The Scary Pumpkin Man and the Fairy Making Up

My trash food contribution to the party


  1. The costumes made me laugh! I love it!

    Nice job on the yard, Oliver. :-)

  2. Omygosh these pictures are priceless. And the yard- fabulous! Way to go Olive!

  3. These pix are wonderful! They will be even more amazing as time goes by.

  4. Ha! Great costumes, great yard decoration -- and I love the edible graveyard! Americans take Halloween so much more seriously than the English. Over here I only saw a pumpkin here and there.

  5. The desserts I have seen overall this year have been downright amazing.

  6. Well, looks like y'all did Halloween right. Of course, being a witch, it comes naturally to you.

  7. Oh my goodness, I love their costumes. How did Henry decided on his? The pink tights & wig are fabulous. Oliver is indeed very scary...and I think I see a familiar quilt behind Sophie. =)

  8. Great decorations, costumes, and a cake to literally die for! Who wouldn't want to be with you guys for Halloween?

  9. ahhhhahahahahahaha! GREAT costumes! thanks for the smiles (and your cake looks yummy :)

  10. Oh what fun! I love your guys costumes!

  11. Henry is a total freaking rock star! My nearly-13-year-old would barely let me photograph her in her costume, much less wear one that is so obviously not suited to her gender stereotype and post it on my blog.

    And anytime Oliver wants to come decorate my house for Halloween, I'll buy him a plane ticket. But he'll have to trick-or-treat in the rain cuz that's how we roll here in Seattle...

  12. I loved the pumpkin costume. Totally rockin'! I loved the third photo, too, top to bottom. Happy Halloween, belatedly! By the way, the way you upload a handwriten post is very easy. Just scan the page(s) you want to post and when uploading the images, don't forget to click on the "original size" option. You might have to rejig your blog's width, though. But it's fun, at least I had fun doing it.

    Have a great weekend.

    Greetings from London.
