Friday, November 30, 2012

I once read that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I fundamentally disagree with this idea. I think that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of hope. We might keep making mistakes but the struggle gives us a sense of empathy and connectivity that we would not experience otherwise. I believe this empathy improves our ability to see the unseen and better know the unknown.
Debbie Millman, in Look Both Ways: Illustrated Essays on the Intersection of Life and Design 


  1. But what if the thing you're doing over and over again is ignoring empathy and connection?

  2. Definitely another example of "the opposite of what you know is also true." Thanks for giving me another way to look at things.

  3. I don't think it's insanity,it is human nature. Our brains are wired to repeat patterns, and we do. It's only when those patterns become uncomfortable or destructive do we have the opportunity to wake up and do it another way. Working in group therapy has provided me the biggest gifts of empathy and compassion. When I see someone struggling I can get terribly judgemental until I remember to stop and breathe, and open my mind and heart. That's when love comes in.

  4. This makes me feel so much beter.

  5. I've never agreed with that definition of insanity -- but I also never thought about it in quite this way. Thanks!

  6. I can't tell you how much I love and am encouraged by this quote. Thanks for posting it.

  7. I love this. It feels right, like truth, and yes. Encouraging.

  8. that is some real wisdom
    obviously the person who originally said that didn't have a clue
