Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A sight for sore eyes

For in much wisdom is much vexation, and those who increase knowledge, increase sorrow.
After an impassioned argument on Facebook last night over the far right's triumph on the United Nations disability treaty, I needed a sight for my sore eyes.

Words flew and some weren't so "nice," and the person who took offense was arguing more about the language of the arguing, the nature of the discourse than the issue itself, I think. At one point this woman maintained that the reasons only 38 Republicans voted against it were "thoughtful."

I hate that. Sometimes "nice" language gets you nowhere. What do you think of those who fought against the abolition of slavery? They were legion. I imagine that many had "thoughtful" reasons to continue owning slaves. What do you think of those who fought against women's suffrage? They were legion. I imagine that many had "thoughtful" reasons to keep those women in their proper place. What do you think of those who fought against the American Disabilities Act or IDEA? They were legion. I imagine that many had "thoughtful" reasons to continue discrimination policies toward those with disabilities or to deny a free and public education to a disabled child.

What happened yesterday on the floor of the Senate is absolute bullshit.

Those who voted against this bipartisan treaty are not thoughtful, reasoned people.

Thank the good lord that crazy Rick Santorum didn't make it past the Republican primary, although I'm shivering at all the damage he has yet to bring to this country.

And thank God for Oliver in my beloved Tar Heels Ram hat. He's a sight for very sore eyes. And he's definitely not a kid who minces words. Ever.


  1. He IS a sight for sore eyes. And you and your words are a balm for this crazy world.

  2. It was a very troublesome vote which I believe was based on a false nationalism and isolationism coupled with a disdain for the U.N.; under the guise that sped parents will forfeit rights and home school privilege...lies and fears compounded, We are one earth and one people, no?

  3. I wish you were on the floor of the damned Senate. The level of compassion and intelligence would skyrocket.
    Maybe O would like a career in politics.

  4. I got into a Facebook spat the other day myself over the fucking Old Testament, of all things. To the point where i decided that some deletion was in order, of old college friends who I may not even recognize anymore. Screw it.

    Anyway. That Oliver is a welcome sight indeed!

  5. i'm so over facebook. and im so over right-wing zealots too!!
    your son is an absolute doll -- look at that FACE!!

  6. Phil's take is spot on. The only reason those boobs voted against the resolution was the insane idea among tea partiers and the far right that the UN must not be elevated at any costs.

  7. i couldn't even process that the UN disability treaty did not pass yesterday. It was simply unfathomable. But I am definitely buoyed by the idea of Oliver in politics!

  8. Oliver.

    The mad world will be saved by souls like him.

  9. The older he gets, the more Oliver looks like you. He's got your eyes and bone structure and an old soul to go with them. Although he'd probably look better in Duke Blue Devils colors...

    I'd about given up on politics in our country prior to the election. So thankful there are enough critical thinkers left in the nation to send a rational man to the White House. I told Denny we'd be moving to Bermuda if Romney won, hurricanes or no.

    But we still have a disproportionate number of zealots in blinders. Scary. And damaging to society. When we don't care for the most fragile, the entire world loses.

  10. Yes, God forbid we align ourselves with a group of nations that are seeking consistency and compassion for all disabled persons around the world. It's too frightening.

    But the House had no problem allocating money today to provide Secret Service protection FOR LIFE for every US President and their families. Wonder how much that's gonna cost us to have these expensive agents following wives and children around as they shop and go to college and take a walk in the park with their friends. All in the name of "terrorism." Something tells me the Senate will push that one right through. Priorities, ya know...

  11. It was not a proud day for America. The Rebublicans are so craven it beggars the imagination.

    1. I've missed you, Camp Papa, and am grateful for your comment, as always.

  12. I'm jealous of your ability to even engage your friends and relatives in these discussions at all.I find myself dancing around topics more and more these days and had hoped that would subside after the election. Then things like this happen and I am reminded that I can't even understand the other side's thinking.

    Anyway, thanks for keeping up the good fight. I'll just echo fullsoulahead's comment and feel ever hopeful for the future knowing about kids like yours.

    1. Oh, Lord, Eric -- don't give me any credit for "an ability to even engage your friends and relatives" -- I'm like a fly to shit and have made plenty of enemies!

  13. I usually believe in trying to understand where an opponent stands -- why they think the way they do, what they're trying to achieve. But I would disagree with the adjective "thoughtful" in this case. On the contrary, I think their vote was reactionary and empty partisanship. There was no thought involved.

    I'm mystified about the streak of conspiracy-theorizing that surrounds the United Nations, and why it has attained such power. Republicans used to LAUGH at these John Birch types. Now they're guiding the party! How did that happen?!

    1. I think you've hit the nail on the head and in a far more reasoned tone than mine was last night on Facebook, Steve! I have no idea how any of it happened but wonder, sometimes, if this kind of obtuseness comes round in cycles -- the fat cats get too fat and know nothing but fatness.
