Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year's Resolution

Normally, I think they're hogwash, made in earnest to be broken just as earnestly. I sort of like the idea of picking a word to guide one's days, a word that is powerful, and whenever I try to imagine a word that might really speak to me, I think of the word:


as in choosing to be happy or some such other earnestness.

This year, though, I am making a New Year's Resolution, too, and I plan on pursuing it this very week. Here it is:

I resolve to procure medical marijuana for Sophie and give it a try.

I resolve to procure medical marijuana for Sophie and give it a whirl.

I resolve to procure medical marijuana for Sophie and give it a go.

Thank goodness we have a choice in California.

Reader, what is your word or resolution this year?


  1. I am just continuing in with my attempt to lose weight. I didn't do well at all on my own so I am now on Weight Watchers. Yes. I know. A pathetic resolution.

    Keep us posted on yours!

  2. Sophie is just SO beautiful...I would certainly give it a try...if I am not mistaken Hospice told us once that it can come in a capsule form. My word just came to me this morning out of the is calm. That is all I want this stay calm.

  3. I have seen marijuana do good things for folks...I hope it helps Sophie. As far as my one word...AUTHENTIC.

    Take good care and good luck!

  4. I'm going to choose "love" as my word, as in approaching every situation and person from a standpoint of love. (Easier said than done.)

    Thank you for this idea!

  5. Maybe if I had to choose one word, it would be GROW. Because I want to keep growing. And because growth requires light and dirt and water and shit and love, yes, it does, and some amount of effort. So maybe that's it.
    Maybe I could grow Sophie some marijuana. Haha! Just kidding. Because I live in Florida and I don't have that CHOICE.

  6. I'm hopeful for you that it works!

    My word this year is SIMPLIFY.

  7. That's a darling shot of Sophie. I like restoration, at the moment.

  8. Sophie is so beautiful. I wish you luck on your quest / resolution.
    My word is kindness, I believe.


  9. My word is still HOPE. Because it's carried me this far, and it's been as likely as despair and because it has led me to places I never thought possible--here, for one--and though it's going to get ugly here before it gets better when the custody battle heats up and I pack up and move me and J out of Michigan, it's all we've got.

  10. For me, I am focusing on being PRESENT. To be in the moment, living life with full awareness and appreciation for what i am doing at the moment.
    i wish you much happiness in the new year!

  11. Elizabeth, how stunningly beautiful your daughter is, how soulful and far-seeing her eyes. I absolutely love that photo of her. Such love in it, you see her so clearly. And I am thrilled by your resolution! I hope it works wonders.

    My word? Hmmm. Trust. As in trust that all will be well and that I don't have to be on guard every moment to make sure it is. As if I could even do that. So exhausting! So yes. Trust.

  12. Sophie's hair is gorgeous, and I see something in her expression -- in her mouth, her eyes, and the curve of her cheek -- that seems (to my eye) to embody many of the marvelous words suggested here, especially hope and love. I swear I see self-confidence. Follow your instincts. It will not harm, and it might provide great benefit. My word for this year is SYNTHESIS. If I can only pull together all these threads, wow, it might weave a bridge to a very good place.

  13. My word for 2013 is Reaction...the only thing you can control is your reaction; this I need to remember. I can't change what is happening to or around me but I can control how I react to the forces.
    Let's see how it works!
    Choice was my word for 2012. You make a thousand choices each day and all of them count.

  14. Mine is Try. Keeping trying. Keep going. Try to be the best person I can, try to get over the person I once loved, try to redefine the normal that now is.

  15. What a beautiful picture of Sophie!
    My word is POSSIBILITY.

  16. when the time comes, if you'd like to hear my take on how cannabis has affected Segev, let me know.

  17. Elizabeth, you asked me this question a couple of days ago, and I've been slow to answer. A dear friend died on Friday morning, and even though I was expecting it - she had pancreatic cancer - it's a blow. In the last 2 1/2 years, I have lost 5 people I love very much, so I have wondered a lot about your question. When I am angry about scary things I can't control, like the idiots who think anyone should be able to buy assault rifles, here's my word: "Really?!!" And when I think about the line, "If you want to make the gods laugh, tell them your plans," my word is two words, "Guess again!" I think I am not in a very positive place right now (Really?!!), so I'm going to continue to wonder about a word for the year. Oh! It just came to me: Wonder!

    I love this photo of Sophie, and I hope that you can get for her whatever she needs, and I am so glad you live in a state where you have that choice.

  18. Oh, beautiful Sophie. How wonderful to read your word, and everyone else's. I have an aversion to resolutions and, I think, even to words, but I also have this sneaking suspicion that my word for this year (if I had words for years) might need to be Hold On. HOLD ON.

  19. Elizabeth, I never comment here but I adore your blog as I adore Ms. Moon's and I hardly comment there either. I don't know why I don't comment on blogs I read religiously. I guess I don't find a comment in my mind worthy of the content I've read. Anyway, I just posted about how I wasn't going to have any resolutions this year but I love your idea of one word to guide us. My word is accepting. Of myself. Of others. Of the life I have been given.
    I love your photo of Sophie. She is beautiful.
