Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Respite: The Greatest News Ever


If you cup your ear and lean toward the west, you will hear a big ruckus coming from California. If you lean a little further, you will hear some squeals of surprise and pleasure coming from the Southland. If you lean even further and perhaps nearly tip over your chair, you will hear my tiny yet inexhaustible voice nearly shouting with happiness.

You see, I just received word from Caregifted that I am going to Victoria, British Columbia for a seven-day all-expenses paid trip of rest and relaxation.


What more can I say? Heather McHugh, the esteemed poet who also received a MacArthur genius grant, founded Caregifted as a non-profit organization that aims to bring respite in the form of all-expense paid getaways to full-time life-long caregivers of severely disabled family members.

When I applied for the respite week and wrote about my life and history caring for Sophie, I told them that after nearly eighteen years,  a week-long respite specifically awarded for long-time caregivers seemed more like a dream than a reality.

Good grief. I'm near speechless.


  1. Hot DAMN, woman! You deserve this break!

  2. I'm a long-time reader of your blog who lives in Vic... make sure you check out Munro's books, the Belfry Theatre and Fan Tan Alley. Also, there are many awesome yoga studios and the Victoria Zen Centre.
    Such a well-deserved rest for you! Congratulations! :-)

  3. Do you hear that whoop coming from the (sunny and snowless) midwest? That's me happy for you.


  4. Fantastic. You deserve it. Enjoy! When????

  5. Well done you! That is fantastic news and I am insanely jealous. Who said karma does not exist??

  6. I sincerely hope that daily massages are included in this week. Is that wrong?
    I am SO proud of you and SO happy for you. It is a dream and it will become reality.

  7. I freaking love this! You will likely have to put up with much different weather than you're used to, but it's a lovely city with so much to see (and eat and drink)! I hope you write and sleep and walk and sleep and rest and enjoy the hell out of yourself.

    Love, love, love.

  8. When I saw the clip you posted I learned about this program. I thought, Elizabeth should go on that respite week! Take our stories with you, and relaaaaaax!

  9. You so deserve this, Elizabeth! Make sure you bring your prescriptions for Sophie's med that you wanted...p.s...I cannot even make out the numbers on your word verification thing...I can't even see them!!...please think about changing just to comment approval...

  10. that's fantastic! you will LOVE Victoria - it's truly a garden city - you will know what I mean when you are there - a perfect place to revive

  11. That is wonderful!!!! I'm so happy for you. Enjoy that week that's all for you!

  12. What great news!
    May you be restored.

  13. What great news, congratulations. I hope it is very restful and renewing.

  14. I am so happy for you. Cheering in Cleveland. You deserve this.

  15. I am an hour and a half away from Victoria and I agree with Kelly. Fan Tan Alley in China Town and Munro's Books are worth checking out. My husband and I go to the Belfry often. And go to Rogers Chocolates! It is about three blocks down from Munro's. I could go on and on about things but I will keep it at that. You need to take lots of time to relaaaaaax.

  16. When I read your post I felt a surge of joy. What do Buddhists call it? Mudita, I think. I am so happy for you.

  17. CONGRATULATIONS! I'm thrilled for you, and hope to meet you when you're up North! xoxo

  18. This is wonderful news! I look forward to reading about your week!

  19. Wow, that is AMAZING! Woo hoo! And at the risk of mixing pleasure with familial duty -- this is a great opportunity to Stock up on Sophie's medication. (I'm sure you've already thought of that!) It seems almost karmic that you're being sent to Canada...

  20. That's wonderful Elizabeth. I've spent a lot of time in Victoria, it's a lovely city. I thought I recognized that photo of the lighthouse, I have the same photo on the wall beside my computer. I have a thing for lighthouses. When are you going?

  21. elizabeth!!

    this is just wonderful, wonderful news. oh--perfect...and via heather mchugh( (an old fave of mine...) have this shimmering on your horizon...

    you earned it, with your kick-ass writing.

  22. That is wonderful, and I am so happy for you and for your family, as everyone will benefit from your having a respite, a moment to replenish. I hope you drink in as much of it as you can. I hope it is amazing.

  23. Oh I'm so happy for you! Congratulations. You absolutely deserve every minute of it. What an awesome organization.

  24. I can think of no one more deserving on the PLANET. I'm incredibly glad for you, so relieved just reading this. The moment I read about that organization I immediately thought of you. I'm so glad you applied!

  25. Perfect choice! I love Heather and I love BC. It is so gorgeous there.

  26. Bon Voyage dear friend! May you have a restful and enjoyable adventure. Like all of the comments above, I can't think of anyone who deserves this more.

  27. Ah, Butchart Gardens, too! And I'm a huge museum nerd, so this might not be up your alley, but the Victoria & Albert museum was a great time (um, to me) too.

  28. Aw wonderful, my sorta adopted home town since all my family is there now. Stay near the harbour if you can, have tea at the Empress Hotel, wander the Butchart Gardens and enjoy the CHARMING downtown core. I cannot think of anyone who deserves it more either so profitez!

  29. I hope you do a bunch of jack sh** - you SO deserve a break. Will there be grape peelers for you? This totally made my day. Enjoy! YAY!!

  30. This is wonderful news Wonderful Woman! Oui, profitez! (as the vegetable sellers shout at the market) x0x0 N2

  31. OH YAAAAAYYYY!!! I am SO happy for you! Congratulations!!!!!!

  32. Well deserved! Congratulations to you.

  33. Oh, Elizabeth--how wonderful! You truly deserve this although I know you have written beautifully about how caring for Sophie is a privilege. And what a wonderful idea for fulltime caregivers like you. When it comes I pray you can just relax and renew yourself and be pampered!

    Carrie T.

  34. What wonderful news! I am thrilled for you!!!
