Tuesday, January 22, 2013


This moves me powerfully. I know that it will move you as well, particularly if you have been the caretaker of a child with a disability for more than ten years. It is a clip from a documentary, not yet completed, being made by poet Heather McHugh and filmmaker Adam Larsen, "celebrating and giving voice to one of the most 'under-sung' of human communities: long-term, full-time caregivers of disabled family members."

Read more about it here.


  1. a project that will enlighten many. I look forward to its release.

  2. Wow. That clip is so very powerful and so necessary.

  3. Wow...that's all I got right now.

  4. oh man, im crying. cant wait for this documentary to come out and pray it gets the attention it deserves.

  5. Thank you for sharing this! I had not heard about it. I had to stop watching when the woman started talking about how people like to support acute interventions, but no one wants to support families where the child has a chronic, unchanging condition. So true. No one wants to see our kids. Only the "successes." Thanks again!
