Sunday, February 17, 2013

Weekend sights for sore eyes

That's Uncle E with Oliver. Uncle E is much beloved and rarely seen, so we're all happy.

Good advice

He needs a haircut, but damn he's a keeper.

And so is he --

Watch out, high school --


  1. love all your boys! what a great picture of father and son together. and I love the PSAs.

    1. Thanks for your sweet words, but just to clarify, that's my brother in law with Oliver and not The Husband!

  2. You are a fortunate bunch, as you said in your previous post. :) What is "Jeremyville"??

  3. What lovely men!
    I sort of get Be Your Own Guru but how in hell do I unravel?

  4. Wonderful photos! Isn't it fascinating how completely unique each child is, each one so different from the others? I marvel at it all the time with my own children.

    And that Henry is becoming a man before our eyes. It's kind of amazing to watch.

  5. Love it when you share photos of the boys. They are so lovely.
