Saturday, March 2, 2013

Dragging All Over Kingdom Come

This has been one hell of a weekend so far, what with Oliver acting in OLIVER!, Henry getting into the high school that he wanted, baseball season beginning (good Lord, already?) and me dragging my parents all over kingdom come. Here are some random photos, and now I'm collapsing into bed.

Oliver in OLIVER!

Henry and my father

A cactus in Santa Monica

Tulips at the Farmer's Market in Santa Monica


  1. Henry really DOES look like your dad. It's so odd to think about "getting in" to a high school. Not like going to high school in my day, when you just went to the neighborhood school!

    That poor graffitied cactus!

    (My word verification is "fuctuta," which I just think is funny.)

  2. It would never enter my head to graffitify a cactus.
    As always, i wonder, HOW DOES SHE DO IT? Even though you keep telling us, I still don't understand.

  3. This is my second attempt at posting. My cat leaves her marks on my ancient jade plant. I have always thought she was tryinh to tell me something. The tulips ade heart reaming. (I wrote breaking but kindle auto corrected.)

    My garden is waking up too. I have seen one cherry tree in bloom and the giant magnolias all have tiny buds.

    Hello. I miss you. Good morning and love.

  4. Elizabeth! your blog keeps eating my comments! This has been happening for some time. Okay, trying again.

    Congrats to Henry on getting into his first choice school. Having been there not too long ago, I know the jubilation that comes with such a thing. And good on you for being able to pause and notice those tulips in the midst of running hither and yon. Enjoy your peeps. Love that photo of Henry and his grandfather.

  5. And the exclamation mark after your name in my head was merely a child's whine. Now I see that it might look accusatory but it most assuredly is not.

  6. Sounds like a lovely, busy week.

  7. It hurts me to look at that cactus. Congratulations to Henry!

  8. Actually, Angella, I have the same problem. As far as I can tell, it comes from the page loading slowly. When it finally loads completely, if you haven't posted your comment by then, you lose it. Why this happens on this blog, I am not sure. (What browser are you using? I'm using Safari.)

    Sorry to comment on a technical issue, Elizabeth, but it's interesting that Angella and I are both struggling with disappearing comments on your blog! I thought it was just me.

  9. Angella and Steve, I have the same issue (with Safari), and I've chosen to be all zen about it and see it as the Universe rejecting my original comment and giving me a chance to come up with a better one ;-).

    Elizabeth, I hope you are rested from your crazy weekend and thrilled at the antics and achievements of your boys.

    Henry and your father? LOVE the eyebrows. So striking. And I sense they have the same sense of humor - something in the eyes...

  10. I love these photos. They say so much.
    I was thinking the same thing as Steve about the cactus.
