Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ryan Gosling, Los Angeles and Waning Bachelorette Days

Well, I had another 2/3rd less children day yesterday, and it was a quiet one. I finished a day of work and errands by going to a late afternoon movie which I don't recommend unless you only wish to gaze upon Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper for two and a half hours of gloom and doom. The older I get, the more movies have the power to depress me, and The Place Beyond the Pines was a real downer. There was a scene, though, where Ryan Gosling's character has just robbed a bank and he's exulting with his nasty co-outlaw, and even though he's basically dancing with an ugly little dog, I swear to you that his sexiness took my breath away and I felt about twenty years old swaying right along with him to Bruce Springsteen.


I parked at the top of the movie theater, though, and took some lovely shots of Hollywood, west toward the ocean and downtown Los Angeles. Here they are:

It's Saturday morning, and the The Brothers and The Husband will be home late tonight. I'll need to shut down this bachelorette pad and get busy with the usual. I hope ya'll are having a good Saturday.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm glad that you've had this short time to collect a thought or two, take a breath, take some beautiful pictures, have a little moment of yearning remembrance.

  3. That sounds like quite a scene, although I'd be tempted to skip the rest of it...I agree that you are probably missing the boys and your husband but have you noticed that the older people get, the less likely they are to find characters they can relate to in American films? One of many reasons I prefer foreign films these days. I wish you all a happy homecoming.

  4. Hmmm. Methinks I should see this movie. Beautiful rooftop panoramas! I love that Broadway sign over Hollywood -- don't the Scientologists own that building now?

  5. Have you seen the interview where Gosling discusses how ridiculous it is that in movies we often see women pleasing men sexually, but that even an image of a woman's face while she receives pleasure is given an NC-17 rating? I mean, that man COULD NOT be sexier.

    Magic city.

  6. love that photo of the pinkish sky!

  7. you did get some beautiful shots!

    it's the subtle things that make the heart race
    but, on second thought, what is subtle about Bruce? ... sigh ....
