Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Boy Conversation, Number 2,349,671

I picked up The Brothers and My Carpool Kid this afternoon early from school because it's Tuesday, and for some reason that I don't yet understand despite having been a part of the almighty LAUSD in some capacity or another for nearly fifteen years, there's always one day a week in the LAUSD where the kids are dismissed early so that the teachers can work.


The Brothers and My Carpool Kid were in a jolly mood, given that it was an early out day and summer is just ahead. They launched into their usual scintillating conversation during which I stay silent, behind sunglasses, and act as cool as a nearing fifty years old, moderately over-weight and slightly bittersweet woman can.

That means I'm silent. Totally silent.

Younger Brother: Did you know that they found a mermaid for real?

Older Brother: Who did?

Younger Brother: THEY did. I don't know who they is, but we heard about it. A real mermaid.

Older Brother: That's stupid.

Carpool Boy: Cool. I guess a fish mated with a human.

Younger Brother: So, a fish and a human humped?

Older Brother: That's impossible. Gross.

Younger Brother: Nope. It can happen. All you need is a hole.

Here's what I looked like:

Cool, right?


  1. HAHAHA!!! I actually laughed out loud. Thank you! Your boys are so funny. And smart!

  2. This might be my favorite blog post ever in the history of the universe.

  3. Made my day! ( and you are way cool )

  4. I love you...and your sons. I needed that laugh~
    You need to read this if you need a laugh today.

  5. That made me laugh out-loud. I don't know which is funnier - their words or the look on your face!

  6. I wonder how much of that conversation might have been for your benefit. I love the things overheard in the carpool...

  7. How did you NOT Laugh OUT LOUD????????? Hilarious!!!!!!

  8. it takes super cool to sit silently through that one even with sunglasses.
    i bow down to you.

  9. So now you know their biology lessons did not fly over their heads! And speaking of fly, those are some seriously cool-looking shades, but I don't believe the woman in them didn't crack a smile at the younger brother's comment. That would have required superhuman control. Which you just might have. But not me. I'm still laughing to myself here at my desk and people are looking at me weirdly.

  10. OMG, remind me again why we had boys?? I'm not sure I could have stayed silent, some kind of guffaw, horror or humour I can't say would have escaped. Hysterical!

  11. I've had that same expression on my face more times than I care to remember. Boys.

  12. That is the best exchange I've heard all day...

  13. Your face is perfect for the occasion! Dear heavenly Lord!

  14. OMG...I have no words. Too hilarious.

  15. Thank you, and the boys in the car, for a body rocking laugh with my second cup of coffee.


  16. You just made my very busy day with this one...I cracked up laughing!

  17. looks better than prostration...

  18. I am laughing outloud!! Thanks for the giggle. I have 3 boys myself, they are a bit younger so it is more farting and poo conversations at this point, but I am sure we'll get there.

    Carrie T.

  19. OMG. Hilarious. Hilarious.

    And I say it again: Hilarious.
