Sunday, May 19, 2013


So we woke up this morning on a Sunday like a thousand other Sundays, and I gather no one I know won that Powerball lottery. Yesterday I bought my very first ticket on the way to Oliver's baseball game, along with a glazed jelly donut and an iced coffee (with whole milk). I figured that if I won, tomorrow, I'd have the availability to hire a personal trainer. Today, no one I know won the six hundred million dollars, it's half-sunny out, the fejoya tree is heavy with fruit that no one likes, and I have to bake a chocolate cake with milk chocolate frosting. I'll need to get some exercise and do some laundry, War and Peace is languishing on my bed, I'll avoid The New York Times so that I don't have to read about the IRS, and I'll probably curse under my breath a few times in irritation at some thing or another, and then I'll finger some beads and pray that a job will fall into my lap tomorrow morning. Sophie will have no more seizures, Oliver's eyes will suddenly let go of words that writhe and hide, Henry will hit consistent home runs, The Husband will decide that I am a goddess, and I? I will stand like a tree first and then fly.


  1. push comes to shove, you're a serious winner anywhichway.

  2. Someone in Florida won that lottery but baby, not me.
    I am not flying anywhere today. I am moving slowly, ambling shambling from one part of the yard to another, from chicken coop to garden to porch, to water hose. I am hanging clothes on the line and never once yet today, whether in house or in yard, have I walked a straight line with purpose but have made one million detours, finding yet another but-first before I move on to whatever it is I was doing.
    I like these days. I like them very much.

  3. I hope your husband knows you are a Goddess...Happy Sunday and fingers and toes crossed here on your behalf.

  4. I will stand like a tree first and then fly.

    Let me be your poetry teacher. I'm good at it. You've got such skill but need expert help in submitting theory and etc. That way I'll have a job you'll write more poems and while this doesn't answer your prayers it is a reminder that you have such intense and gorgeous poetic language that pleases me NO. END. And trust me I wouldn't write it if I didn't mean it. Poetry is holy to me and my violin and little else.
    Rebecca RAMBLING

    1. You're on, Radish King Rebecca RAMBLING. What do I do first?

  5. So much here. Set to music and shimmer. I am distracted and you are the real deal.

  6. Send me (by snail mail so I can write on the poems) a packet of 10 poems (no more and no less) your best poems not your worst and $500 (yeah I know it's a lot but it's the going rate) for a close reading (I will tell you what I think the poems are saying and that way you can judge how close they are to what you wanted to write) a full line by line critique (kind--not slashy but definitely with a sharp scalpel) and help placing for publication. You can get references from Rachel Van or Beth Coyote or Jeannine Hall-Gailey.

  7. Oh the possible impossibilities.
    I didn't win either. We are lottery losers.
    BUT you are a goddess.

  8. So Say We All.

    (If you haven't watched Battlestar Galactica this won't make sense, but it's sort of a non-religious way of saying 'amen' with a large dose of badass on the side. Also invokes the mysterious powers of the universe, implicitly.)

    So Say We All.

    1. Gosh, I love this -- and your interpretation!

  9. Well, shit. It just proves my theory that the lottery is overwhelmed. I don't believe in accidents or coincidence, so the winners must all be very worthy and the only thing I can think is that the Universe in charge of lottery winners was afraid that 600 million might convince you to stop writing and inspiring the rest of us. I know that's not true, but the lottery gods are overwhelmed, thanks to the asshats of the world who are creating so many more worthy souls than there ever have been.

  10. I hope you win - and if you don't you will still be a goddess and a flying one too
