Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A gratitude post from your resident carmudgeon

The Husband took Sophie out this morning to the Santa Monica Farmer's Market, where they purchased some of the above apricots which were then sliced and brought to me on a plate while I whiled the hours listening to federal grant review talk.

The apricots were a high point.

I am grateful for work, for The Husband's flexibility today, for near-constant sunshine, for funny friends, for Oliver's upcoming semi-final baseball game (who knew their losing team would make it this far!), for Henry's eighth grade graduation tomorrow, for my Duet bike which will soon be ordered and delivered, for the friends who made it happen, particularly Missy B., and for apricots, golden yellow with a blush of pink.


  1. This is a good post. I need to go and think of things for which I am grateful. With a large glass of wine.

  2. I used to be skeptical of making gratitude lists but after doing them (gratitude posts) for awhile I have to say I do think they change one's outlook slightly for the better. If even for a moment.

  3. Lovely! So glad you were able to have this time (and those apricots). I like to grill them just until they're warm and then smear them through mascarpone whipped with a vanilla bean. DELISH!

  4. Apricots have never been my favorite but now maybe they are.

  5. This makes me happy, as does your bike news. By the time I caught up here, it had been paid for - what a generous circle of friends! I'm thrilled for you and Sophie.
    There is nothing quite like fresh fruit. It's a miracle. I could write a poem about the raspberries that grow on Bainbridge Island.

  6. I am swimming in gratitude this week (Aidan moved back to Oregon, Nigel graduated - ! - and I finally got a JOB) so perhaps there is a ripple effect going on. So happy about the Duet bike and Henry's graduation! Happy hugs all around.

  7. I was so thrilled to hear about the bike. What an amazing community and family you have!

  8. In many places it is hard to buy a good apricot -- or any kind of stone fruit, for that matter. I pretty much gave up on them when I lived in New York. So if you have access to good apricots, or peaches, or nectarines, or plums -- yes, thank your lucky stars. :)

    I hope you have a telephone headset so you don't have to hang on to a receiver while you listen to all that grant talk!

  9. Glad to hear about the bike being ordered and congrats to Henry. Thank your friends for setting up the site for donations, too because that allowed others to be generous. Best of luck with the grant stuff. Hats off to you.

  10. All good things. Can't wait for you to get the bike!!

  11. he brought you apricots, golden yellow with a blush of pink. yes.

  12. I second Steve's comment. You would think this close to Georgia I could get a good peach, but I can't. I miss Colorado peaches with a sexual ache. And never in my life have I had a good apricot.

    I'm grateful for your friends too. It made me so emotional I'm a little embarrassed.

  13. I am so glad for you and Sophie and the bike - that's just amazing :)
