Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Adaptive Tricycles, Eduardo Galeano and Missy Slick

 Missy Slick, a reader of this blog and great graphic artist sent me an email describing what sounds like a wonderful book by Eduardo Galeano, called Children of the Days: A Calendar of Human History. This morning, Oliver and I just so happened to have cleaned off the adaptive trike rusting in our backyard and taken Sophie for a ride, so here's an example of quite perfect synchronicity:

June 19th 

"I think bicycling has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world," said Susan B. Anthony.

Her companion in the struggle, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, said,  "Woman is riding to suffrage on a bicycle."

Certain physicians, like Phillipe Tissie, warned that the bicycle  might provoke abortion and cause sterility, while their colleagues insisted that this indecent apparatus might lead to depravity because it gave women pleasure when they pressed their intimate parts against the seat. 

The truth is the bicycle gave women mobility, allowed them to leave the house and enjoy a dangerous taste of freedom. And it was the bicycle that sent the pitiless corset, which impeded pedaling, out of the clothes closet and into the museum.

Word is, too, that the Duet is being shipped to us this week!


  1. beautiful photos of your children!

  2. "The truth is the bicycle gave women mobility, allowed them to leave the house and enjoy a dangerous taste of freedom."

    Love that!!! I am so excited for you to take a ride!

  3. Glorious synchronicity! If only bicycling could be used to induce safe abortions - although then the Republicans in the house would certainly try to make them legal only for men....

  4. I can't wait to see Sophie and Oliver on the Duet. I am so excited!

  5. It's hard to believe anyone ever saw something threatening in a bicycle. Good grief.
