Sunday, June 9, 2013

Color works you over more and more

Honestly, he drives me nuts.

I know ya'll love him, though.

So do I.

I don't cut the oranges and the reds like the greens or blues... color works you over more
and more. A certain blue enters your soul. A certain red has an effect on your blood-pressure. A certain color tones you up. It's the concentration of timbres.

Henri Matisse, 1953


  1. Love the quote! And the photo of the boulder walkway against the blue sky? Gorgeous!

  2. I just want to grab that boy and tell him to go feed my chickens and pick the peas and oh yeah, while you're at it, Oliver, could you paint me a mural? Because I know he could.
    I sort of love him so much.

    1. He would love doing all those things so much, Ms. Moon. In fact, is there any way that I could fly him out this summer for Camp Moon?

    2. I myself would like to sign up for Camp Moon. Are you accepting applicants? I'll sleep in the Airstream.

  3. Matisse is my favorite artist of all time. And Calder that quote.

  4. Another beautiful day in LA...Oliver is adorable.

  5. I was at a Matisse exhibit in Paris in 2005 at the same time that a local kindergarten class was visiting, and I tagged along with that group, because the narrative by the teacher, to the five year olds, was at about my level of understanding of the French language.

    "Il a coupe le papier, comme ca...."

    Lordy. That's what I remember about Matisse.

    Delightful post, as ever.

  6. Is that LACMA? I love the suspended boulder and your shot of it with the palm trees behind.

    Did you run down Oliver in those top photos? Boys at his age are MEANT to drive everyone crazy. I know I did it to my mom.

    1. Oh, answering my own question, I see you tagged this post LACMA. I should pay closer attention! LOL

    2. Yes, it was LACMA, and the ones of Oliver lying down were directly under the boulder, an installation that's called "Levitated Mass." It's pretty extraordinary, Steve -- the setting, the size and near finality of it. I love installation art, and this piece is awesome and so very southern Cal.

  7. Chisled into the face of that boulder is a witch looking over her shoulder.

    The rhyme is unintentional, but does anyone else see it?

    P.S. Oliver's a cutie!

    1. Wow! Nancy, I've never seen that before but do so now. I'm going to have to walk back over to "Levitated Mass" and check out the witch.

  8. simply thank you, eee. art. ahhhhhhhh.
