Saturday, June 8, 2013

Out all night

There were margaritas with fresh-squeezed lime juice. There was Rotel cheese dip, guacamole and chips. There were beloved friends. There was a lot of talk about books and movies. There were many games of a card game called Onze that I'd never played before but managed to rise to the task with the help of drunken friends. There was so much laughing that I nearly wet my pants (not panties) a number of times. I left at 1:00 in the morning, a time that I haven't seen, awake, in a long, long time. I am lightened by laughter and drink and cards and friendship.


  1. How lovely that you had a night out with friends! I hope the weekend is as enjoyable.

  2. Sounds blissful. I hope you got to sleep in!

  3. i love nights like this. Lucky you!

  4. What? Fresh lime juice in the margaritas AND Rotel cheese dip? Jeez. I am so envious. And glad you got to go and have a great time.

  5. It sounds like an absolutely perfect evening. I love the vision of you as a laughing, drinking, card playing woman among women, nothing quite like it in the world!

    i almost missed this divine post because for some reason your blog didnt update on my blog roll. noooo, blogger!

  6. How lovely...I hope the rest of the weekend is nice for you, too.

  7. Your blog is eating my comments.
    Not unlike the way I would eat Rotel Cheese dip.
    Good for you!

  8. Sounds like a fun and fantastic night.

  9. There is nothing like friendship, laughter and a whole lota fresh margarita to soothe the soul, eh? BTW, "panties" is my least favorite word in the entire English language....another similarity we share!

  10. i LOVE nights like that. Im glad you had the chance for one. Yes, you may have been tired the next day but nights like that can wake up a soul and make you walk a bit lighter. :)
