Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday Comments from The Brothers

I began the morning -- after the usual pleasantries -- with the admonition that since I had a lot of work to do around here this week, The Brothers would need to be helping me out. That means picking up your stuff when you see it needs picking up and sweeping when you see something needs sweeping and feeding the dog without me telling you. Yesterday we went to Target and Oliver begged me to buy a bottle of Febreze. He convinced me that cleaning up The Brothers' room would be infinitely more doable and  fun if Febreze was a part of it. I'm the kind of housekeeper who doesn't really clean, per se, but rather organizes and makes very neat piles of stuff, everywhere. I absolutely don't use advanced cleaning products, like Febreze, but I was persuaded. We bought the Febreze, and this morning after my militant admonitions, when I stepped out of the shower I was assaulted by -- what shall I call it? -- a Spring Breeze.

It stinks in here! God, it stinks! I heard Henry shout.

I vacuumed our rug like it was a lawn, Mom! Oliver shouted through the closed door.

And then I Febrezed! 


  1. Well that rug does look very, very vacuumed. And I'm sure the smell will dissipate eventually.

  2. Chuckling. We've had Febreze incidents too, the worst of which was in exorcism of the demon-possessed car.

  3. By the looks of that carpet, I would say the Febreze was worth every penny!

  4. Tee hee. Whatever it takes, is what I say.

    Reminds me of when I was a teenager, and I was convinced that Herbal Essence shampoo was the answer to all my problems. Was incensed that my mom wouldn't buy it for me, that I had to use my baby-sitting money on it. O, the outrage!

  5. Well, it looks like he had a good time, as promised. Lola loves scented 'room spray' too, and will be spurred to reorganize and purge just about everything if I give her a spritz bottle with some water and lavender oil in it.

    I love the lawnmowing vacuum style. What a crack up!

  6. He certainly did a good job, spring odors notwithstanding. If he's as agile with a mop, you're a lucky woman.

  7. Well, the rug looks NICE!! :) Hope he had the windows open when he febreezed your house :)

  8. I like that mowing job ... And it probably doesn't smell like feet anymore - right?

  9. Can Oliver come to my house? What a sweet glimpse into life with your son!

  10. LOL! Hilarious.

    Like you, I do not buy advanced cleaning products. My favorite cleaning accessory is a damp rag. I do use Pledge on wood, though.

  11. Haha! Advanced cleaning products. I remember talking my mom into similar shenanigans. I think it's good to go along with their strange ideas, sometimes.
